Where Have You Been

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Where Have You Been by Rihanna



I could feel the electricity run through my body as I blast 'Where Have You Been' by Rihanna. The crowd goes crazy as this throwback song fills the room of the club. Friday nights are usually the busiest because people are starting their weekend off. Being a DJ at a popular club in LA always brings a different type of excitement in my body that I can't explain.

People in the dance floor grinds up on each other, singing on top of their lungs. The floor are almost to its capacity as more people start coming in through the entrance. There are a few already wasted people on the dance floor which I assume would happen. It's entertaining nonetheless.

Being on top of the booth makes me feel like I control everything. I see and hear everything. With a drink in my hand, I take it all in. I've always wanted to do something with music, and this definitely exceeds what I wanted after graduating college. My eyes scan around the surrounding of the club once more, vibing with the lyrics of the song.

"Where have you been?
'Cause I never seen you out
Are you hiding from me, yeah?
Somewhere in the crowd."

My attention lands on a specific individual, feeling the music blasting through the speaker. I couldn't pry my eyes off of her. Something about the way she's swaying her body while her hand runs freely through her hair pulls me in. She sings the lyrics on top of her lungs but I couldn't hear it. I bet her voice sounds attractive. I continue to watch her, the following lyrics defining this moment.

"Where have you been
All my life? All my life?
Where have you been all my life?
Where have you been all my life?
Where have you been all my life?
Where have you been all my life?"

As the beat drops, she jumps a little too aggressively, getting lost in the song. I couldn't contain my smile as I continued to observe her body dancing so enticingly. The probing lights of the dance floor does her justice. I could see all of her perfection. She's wearing light denim jeans with a plain black shirt as her hair hangs loosely on her shoulder. I have never seen someone as attractive as her before.

All throughout the night, I remained my attention to her. She would come and go into the dance floor, falling into a conversation with who I assume are her friends. I could tell by the way she's moving that she's close to passing out. That's probably because of all those tequila shots that she took a few songs ago. I swear, this girl can drink.

Eventually, people started leaving because the club was coming to a close. It was a fun night. There were a couple of people that needed assistance outside, which the bouncers gladly helped. After I gathered all of my stuff, I stopped in the middle of the dance floor, where the attractive, mysterious girl was dancing. I lost sight of her after one of the workers handed me a brand new drink. I bit my lip, wondering when I'll see her again. I grab my keys from my pocket, before making my way to the parking lot where my motorcycle is waiting for me.

I look at my phone seeing that it's 2am in the morning. I shove it back inside my pocket, inserting the key in the ignition. Before I could hop on the seat, I heard someone throwing up aggressively. I wince at the sound. I am never fond of the sound of people throwing up. Whoever this person is, they definitely had too much to drink. I ignore the sound, grabbing my helmet that hangs loosely on the clutch. I pulled it away from the handle, unbuckling the straps so that I could wear it.

"Please help." A voice begged from behind me. I turn around, noticing a figure at the corner of the alleyway wobbling its way to my direction. I usually would ignore this but I feel bad so I hop off my scooter, taking off my helmet before making my way to this drunk individual.

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