So Weightless

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So Weightless by David Choi 


"After three whole days, I finally got to spend some time with you ." Margot sighed softly as she took her seat in front of me. "You've pushed this coffee date way too long."

I chuckled lightly, "I know, I'm sorry. Lizzie and I have been spending time with each other a lot and it's been the best days of my life."

"I can see that." Margot takes a sip of her steaming coffee. "The girl got you smiling like an idiot. Look at your cheeks, you're even blushing thinking about her."

"What can I say? I like her more than words could explain." I think about Lizzie and her precious smile, and god those piercing green eyes.

"That's sweet. I'm happy that things are working out with you two."

"Yeah, me too." I chug at my iced-coffee, feeling butterflies in my stomach at the thought of her.

These past couple of days have been sunshine and rainbows for me. Lizzie and I were inseparable. Even when I would try to leave to go to the gym, she found a way to convince me not to go. Of course, I faltered and stayed behind. Spending time with her was more important than getting my workout in. And plus, I still get my cardio in with her. It's been a blissful moment nonetheless.

"So, I'm assuming you two have been out and about? Probably gone on a lot of dates huh?" Margot teases me.

I laugh at her remark, "no actually. We've been staying for the past couple of days. Oddly enough, every time I would suggest we should go out and do something fun, she would insist that we just stay in and binge watch movies." 

"Oh.." Margot drags, diverting her eyes elsewhere.

"What?" I ask.

"It's nothing." Margot tries to play it off, but I notice her sudden change in demeanor.

I give her a look, "Nothing is ever nothing with you. Now, please, tell me."

"I just think it's a little odd that you've been off for three days and instead of at least going to a few places, it sounds to me like she's not trying to be seen with you in public." Margot makes a point, making me think. "And listen, maybe she has a good reason. Has she talked to you about her situation with Robbie?"

I start to panic, "not since that night."

"Y/N, you have to talk to her about this later before you make any assumptions." Margot squeezes my hand. "I know how you get it. Just hear her out first and go from there."

I nodded, letting my mind run wild from our conversation. I don't like to overthink but I think I'm already doing it. And it sucks. My mind began to wander of what Margot had said. I never thought of it that way, but she's right. Every time I would try and get us to go somewhere, Lizzie would always shoot me down. She would barely let us go out together to get food so we always ended up ordering in. I didn't think much of it until now.

The rest of my time with Margot dragged. Even when I tried to fight it, my mind would always drift off to what she said. I hate this feeling in my chest and stomach. I can't bring myself to not think about it. The voices in the back of my head are winning and I'm letting it.


When I went back to my apartment, Lizzie wasn't there. I didn't bother texting her. Maybe this is good. I grabbed a couple of my gym clothes before I hurried off to the door. I drove to the gym I always go to and decided to take all my pent up anger through cardio and weight lifting. After my intense workout session, I made it back to my apartment.

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