Lover of Mine

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Lover of Mine by John Vincent III



After I had returned home from the fashion show, I slowly slumped my body into the couch. I take in the slightly illuminated living room, letting the darkness play around with my already poor emotions. My mind began to wander off of what they could be doing. Of course, I trust Lizzie. I don't think she'll do anything that could jeopardize our relationship. It's Robbie that I don't trust.

As if I was born to do so, I couldn't stop looking at the wall clock, watching as the time passed by. I lean forward, resting my elbows on top of my knees as they tremble uncontrollably. My teeth sank into my nails as my thoughts kept running around my mind like bees. This is driving me crazy.

Frustrated out of my mind, I stood up from the couch, pacing myself back and forth. It's only been half an hour and I'm already thinking of the worst. I don't know what Robbie is capable of. I'm afraid that he'll guilt trip Lizzie into getting back with him. The thought alone is enough to make me feel like my heart is being ripped out of my chest without mercy.

With nothing better to do, I decided to cook. It always calms me down. I hurried myself into the kitchen, planning on making Lizzie a snack so when she gets home she has something to eat. Even in this situation, I still want her to be eating well.

After whipping her up some food, I place it in the middle of the dining table, covering it up so it wouldn't get cold. It's a simple chicken quesadilla with pico de gallo. I slumped back to the couch, leaning my head all the way back against the cushion. I close my eyes shut, letting the many heart wrenching scenarios play in my head like a broken record.

It's an unexplainable feeling but this tear-worthy sensation inside of my chest makes me want to scream and fall into a pit of self loathing. Frustrated, I clenched my jaw tight together. I could already feel the tears escaping my eyes as I'm trying to fight it. Again, I'm picturing them together, talking.

What if he managed to convince her? Does this mean she'll leave me for good? Am I not good enough for her? Did I not make her happy?

I leaned myself forward, letting my elbows rest on top of my knees. I rub my eyes aggressively as my sorrow wins against me. My chest began to heave as tears started to pool out of my eyes naturally. I weep in silence, darkness looming over me. I quickly turn on the tv, not really caring what plays in the background. It's way too quiet for my liking and it's only making it worse.

I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep until I was being woken up by Lizzie. It took my eyes a couple of seconds to adjust but she's back. I glanced at the clock behind her, seeing that she was gone for about three hours. It's 2 in the morning. The thought alone that she spent that much time with him was a punch in the stomach.

"Why'd you sleep here on the couch?" Lizzie asked, peering over me. "You didn't have to wait for me."

I sat up slowly, rubbing my eyes gently so they could adjust faster, "it's okay. I didn't mind." I give her a weak smile. "Are you hungry? I made you a snack." I gestured toward the table.

"I am a little snacky." Lizzie chuckled. "What'd you make?"

"Chicken quesadillas."

"Oooh, I've been craving some. Thanks baby." Lizzie leaned in for a quick kiss, in which I reciprocated almost instantly. I tasted a little bit of alcohol. It immediately made me feel some type of way but I didn't say anything about it.

I watch as Lizzie takes multiple bites of the food, savoring the flavor it has to offer. It took her less than five minutes to wolf it all down. I picked up her plate, bringing it to the sink so I could wash it. I turn on the faucet, letting the water run. I take my time to scrub the residue of the quesadillas as my mind drifts off as to why she tastes like alcohol.

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