I'm Nothing Without You

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I'm Nothing Without You by Dylan Gardner



As lazy as we are, Lizzie and I cuddled up together in front of the tv watching The Office. After Thanksgiving, it's been a great week. We've spent a lot of it going on multiple cute dates and spontaneous late-night food trips. My days with Lizzie seemed to be getting better every day and I wouldn't have it any other way. Everything is perfect, and the future I've longed for is finally shaping up in front of me. This is my reality, and I'm happy that it's with Lizzie. I can't wait for our future together.

"Do you think we'll get married like that one day?" Lizzie asked as the scene from Jim and Pam's wedding from The Office plays out. "I love the spontaneous decision of them getting married in Niagara Falls. I think it's sweet."

I smile like an idiot thinking about pulling something like that, "That can be arranged. It's nice over there. Canada is such a great place."

"I wouldn't know."

"What do you mean?"

"I've never been to Niagara Falls, let alone Canada," Lizzie confessed. "I've always wanted to go. I just never got around to because I'm always busy."

"Well, in that case, let's go."


"We should go tomorrow." I thought of another idea. "Better yet, let's go on a road trip. I know how you've been wanting to go on one for a while, so let's do it. Let's go to Canada by car. What do you say?"

Lizzie's facial expressions were almost unreadable at first. It was like she's trying to process everything that I've said in the past second. But, eventually, the blank expression turned into something that makes your heart flutter. The excitement running through those eyes of hers is to die for.

"I would love to go on a road trip with you." Lizzie cheered like a little kid.

"Great, then it's settled. We're going on a trip tomorrow." I grinned so wide that my jaw started to hurt a little. "We should go shopping for stuff that we need for the trip. Like, camping stuff. Oh, and we're not using your car to drive there. Leave the transportation up to me because I've got just the thing for this trip."

I noticed that Lizzie is staring at me with probably one of the brightest smiles I've ever seen in my life, "What?" I asked curiously.

"I love you," Lizzie uttered softly, her gaze touching my soul. "I love you so much. Probably more than my heart could handle."

I held her face closer to me, "I love you too, baby. Forever and Always." I seal her lips with a kiss that touches both of our souls, letting the world know whatever challenges might carry us apart, our bond is strong enough to withstand any of it.

In the beginning, I thought that butterflies were swarming my body every time Lizzie would say or do something. But, I was wrong. It wasn't butterflies. I thought that it was a sense of excitement that made me fall for her. It was far from that. I was way off. I fell in love with the way she made me feel calm and still. With her, I feel complete.


I'm truly having the best time of my life. I can't help but admire the way Lizzie is skipping through the aisle with so much excitement picking the stuff that we need and putting them in the cart. She's like a little kid inside a candy shop. I was so occupied with watching her that I wasn't as involved with putting any sort of input according to the stuff that we need for the trip. By the end of it all, her car could barely withhold all of the stuff that Lizzie bought out of impulse and excitement all together.

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