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Heal by Tom Odell



I have no clue as to why I decided to run five miles in this heat but I'm regretting it. After my turn around point, I could feel my head throbbing. I wouldn't be surprised if I faint out of nowhere. But, I push through. No matter how hard I want to stop to take a breath, I don't. I only stop when I reach my end goal. Three more miles until I reach my apartment. Great.

For what seemed like forever, I've finally reached my end point. I stopped all movements as soon as I ended up in front of my building. I try to catch my breath for a couple of seconds to get my breathing back to normal. When I'm finally not panting like a dog, I make my way inside of my apartment. I swear, I could feel sweat running through the entirety of my body.

I turn the key into the hole, "hey baby, I'm back." I yell loud enough for her to hear since I don't see her anywhere.

As soon as I made it inside the air-conditioned room, my eyes landed upon Lizzie with her back turned to me. I noticed how her hair is in a darker shade than before. She must've gotten her hair done when I left.

I plopped myself into the couch, untying my shoes, "babe, so I was thinking, after I shower, we could go to Kenny's Strawberry Farm since I know how much you've been craving organic strawberries. I did my research earlier and they're at their peak during this time of year. What do you think?" I make my way toward her, only a few feet away.

Lizzie turns around but it wasn't her, "You must be Y/N. I'm Mary-Kate, but you can call me MK. Very pleased to meet you." She offers her hand as a form of greeting. I slowly lift my hand up, still a bit frazzled about this situation. Am I dreaming? What is going on?

"I, uh. ." I stutter, struggling to find the right words to say.

MK chuckles, "are you okay? You seem a bit pale."

I pucker my lips, "I'm sorry, I just wasn't expecting to see anyone else in here."

"Oh, I'm sorry. We didn't mean to come unannounced. Lizzie forgot that she's part of my fashion show today and we're kind of running on a tight schedule." MK informs me as she chugs her bottle of water.

I nodded, listening to her speak. I still find it hard to believe that she's here. Wait, I just remembered, did she say, we? The other Olsen sister is here? Fuck me.

"Speaking of which, you look like you could model, you want to be part of the fashion show? We're short staffed and the girl that's supposed to model for us got the flu." MK speaks once again, catching me off guard.


"If you can't, you can just do the musical performance during the show." MK offers. "Lizzie told me you can sing. So, it's going to be one of the other. What would it be?"

This is all coming to me all too fast. I was just on my run earlier now, I have one of the Olsen twins offering me to either model or sing for her fashion show. How is this real? I still think I'm dreaming.

I swallowed my saliva, "I'll sing." I tell her with little to no confidence.

"Great." MK cheers. "Do you know anyone that could walk the line with Lizzie? We're still short staffed."

I thought of one person, "I actually do. You want me to give her a call?"

"Please do. Thank you. You're a lifesaver." MK flashed me a smile.

I gave her a welcome nod before disappearing into the void of my apartment. I dial the number, waiting impatiently for her to answer. When I hear the noise in the background, relief washes over my body.

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