She looked like she was about to cry.

"It's in a month and I really want you to come! Please don't say no! I think of you as much a sister as my own blood sister. I would love it if you came. I'd love it if you became my maid of honor. I can't express how much I worry about you. And with the wedding preparations I feel like it's a full time job. I love you, I really do, and I can't see you like this.." she whispered in the end hoping I wouldn't hear it but alas I was so used to the quiet that anything else seemed too loud.

It hurt me to have her ask something of me that I couldn't do. A year back I would've jumped up and down and cried my eyes out. But now.. I just didn't know how to react. I just couldn't face the Salvatore family anymore.

"Please understand if I say-"

"No! This is my wedding day we're talking about! I will understand if you refuse to meet me for a whole year. I will understand if you don't want to come visit me. I will understand if you never want to talk to me or any of the Salvatore members. But I will not understand if you miss my wedding which will never come again. I missed you. I truly did. But if you do this... Then..." she stopped trying to control her shaky voice. Had she been human, she would be in tears.

I hugged her. "You didn't let me finish. I said, please understand if I say I'd be honored to." of course I lied if it made her as happy as she now looked. If I couldn't be happy at least I should try to make others happy. She helped me so much when I first arrived at the castle, I owed this to her.

"Really?" she squealed.

"Yeah.." she hugged me and I shared her enthusiasm, except mine was fake. I really was happy for her. At least she got her happy ending that she deserved.. What did I do wrong? No Elizabeth! Don't even go there.

I couldn't even start to imagine what an outsider I will feel in a house that I had once called my home. Where I thought I would spend my forever with David.

Then I met my parents who said "Surprise!"

"Mom, Dad, you guys didn't have to do this.."

"Of course we did honey! It's your first birthday with us!" said my mother.

"Mom, I appreciate it. But I hardly think it was necessary."

They had climbed the social ladder quite a lot.

"But we wanted to. You're our only child..."

"Okay, let's try this another way. I'm tired and I'm going upstairs to sleep. And if you didn't notice, it still hurts."

I whispered. I didn't care whoever heard it. They probably won't get it either. I couldn't help but note again how insensitive my mother had become after climbing her social ladder, and the quiet person dad was, he hardly said anything to me at all. Except of course the 'happy birthday' everyone wished me. But why would they say this? Didn't they know there was nothing happy about it?

I had started walking up the stairs when a cold hand stopped me.

I looked at the hand, reminding me of so many things. Then I looked at the face.

"But we have another surprise for you! Please don't say no!"

"Have I ever said no?"

She smiled. I had never said no to her. Not even the time when I should have. A year ago, if I said no when she cried like that... Maybe, just maybe, things could have been different. Maybe I wouldn't have had to go through this headache.

"Move into the King's mansion with us! It's so much better than our house and you've stayed there for over a year and a half, it was nice, just like home. So the King offered us to stay with him. We are best friends after all."

I couldn't even believe this.


"Why?" she asked sadly. I will not let her manipulate me again.

"Just the fact that you have to ask me that question is absurd mother."

She looked at me sadly. "It's almost been a year. Get over it already, it happens."

I held her hand in my hand no matter how much that sentence hurt me and calmly said "Mom, I've never interfered in your life and now that I'm 19 I don't want you to interfere in mine. I am happy the way I am. I will stay here as long as I want in my father's house and you, as you have always been, are free to go live there."

"Really?" her face lifted up as she embraced me.

I felt like a rag doll. How could she?

I turned and made my way towards my bedroom letting the vampires socialize as much as they wanted because I knew better, they weren't here for me.

I couldn't help the tears that escaped, or the shaking sobs that came out as I slipped down my door. I had somehow managed to keep my sobs quiet enough that vampires couldn't hear them.

Soon after I felt tired enough to sleep and why wouldn't I?

I went to my university, my job, the gym and I ran outside for as long as my legs could take me.

I had lost weight, mainly because I didn't eat much and probably because of the rigorous exercise I did to tire myself enough to sleep.

I usually felt so depressed but sometimes, just sometimes I thought I could feel David's feeling too. But I knew I was just fooling myself into being delusional.

Exhausted I climbed into bed and fell asleep, only to wake up at the crack of dawn with the creeping nightmares.

:O :O Whaaaat? I did not see that one coming. Did you?

Don't forget to R&R. Dying to know your views! Please don't kill me? You'll know soon hopefully what's going on!

Love, Z.

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