Chapter 19 : Bait

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Morris was taken to a hanger, his old nemesis Ruger has been making phone calls, selling him to the highest bidder. The Talon has made many enemies during the Cold War, and those who survived did not wish him a peaceful death.

To make it competitive, Ruger used Morris' phone and called his last contact, which was denied by the Orion security network. He tried the second down the list, which was Slava. He made his demand and Slava met his ransom, Siwanov was never short on money. Morris was just glad he didn't call the next number in line.

Abby would raise nuclear war on this guy! He thought.

Morris was tied to a chair with his hands to the back. He counted six armed men with semi automatics, eight more guarding outside. Judging by the surrounding it was an old style hangar walled by metal sheets. At one corner stacked crates of guns, grenades and rocket launchers, probably Ruger's stash.

If Slava followed protocol, she would take the deal, deliver on spot, so she can track him down and make her rescue. Now all he needed to do was to buy more time.

"May I have a cigarette?" he asked.

"You're quite demanding for a man at your status." Ruger said.

"It's tradition to give the man a smoke before he gets shot."

"And you're not afraid of dying, is that what you wanted to say?"

"I'm way passed that."

"Still the Talon of the Cold." the man amused. "I used to think it's an operation team."

"It was." Morris chuckled. "Now it's just me."

"The man who makes legends. Look where he is now!"

"We're all casualties of the Cold War." Morris shrugged.

An explosion came from a distance, followed by a gunshot, drawing everyone's attention.

"Aren't you gonna take a look? It might be important." Morris smirked.

"I have men for that. It's probably a decoy!" Ruger chuckled.

His men were well organized, distributing pairs to inspect or stay watch without instruction.

"Not just anyone. You knew who is coming. She works for Siwanov."

"Siwanov is an old dying breed! Monopolizing the arm industry! "

Moments later, radio reported the burning plane and the casualties. Ruger was not pleased, but he maintained his calm, ordered all his men back to guard the hanger.

Suddenly, a heavy object fell to the ground, creating a loud impact that shook everyone on the floor. It was a body, a dead man striped to his underwear, has been dropped from the ceiling.

"You were saying?" Morris arched his eyebrows.

"Take a look!" Ruger ordered, two men in tactical climbed up the staircase to inspect.

"I give you a hint." Morris whispered. "She's not up there!"

By this time, all the lights in the hanger went out. Men began panicking in the darkness, turning on the flashlights attached to their guns, with more tacticals and bikers coming in to reinforce.

"Quite the dramatic!" Ruger amused and said out loud. "But I can defeat you with just one move!"

He gave a single order, four men raised their guns and pointed at Morris's head.

"Checkmate!" Ruger smiled, adding his own gun to the circle.

"You know you're gonna shoot each other, right?" Morris looked around, implying that bullets will go through him and hit the person across.

"You're going to give yourself up, or to make your presence meaningless!" Ruger shouted. "I'm going to count to three!"

Ruger began counting, everyone scanning their eyes all around, ready to fire.

Suddenly, a biker in helmet pointed the flashlight to the ceiling and fired, others soon shooting at the same direction, bursting muzzle flashes inside the dark hanger.

Under the firing chaos, the same biker who fired the first shot, brought down the gun, took aim and sent a bullet directly into Ruger's back brain. The biker then went down on one knee, took down the four men standing around Morris.

Morris tied to a chair, leaned over and landed his back on the hanger floor, lifted his legs and rolled back, slipping free from the back of the chair. He brought his hands under his feet and to the front, picked up a gun from a dead body and began shooting.

With the leader down, the soldiers found themselves caught between two firing points, but they have more men and fire power, quickly broke into small groups, making Morris and Slava difficult to focus on their targets.

Suddenly everyone stopped, all distracted by a faint rumbling sound from a distance. The rumble grew louder and louder, until something crashed through the hangar wall.

Something out of a science fictional movie charged through the thin metal wall and into the dark hangar, its body illuminated with blue and white lines, like a spaceship from another world.

The Bugatti drifted to its side, its doors raised like a pair of wings, let out three rolling shadows as it glided across the dark space.

JoJo rolled to her feet, slamming her body into the first man she saw, knocking him into a wooden crate.

Brooke tumbled until she got her footing, tackled a man who was turning his gun on her. In one swift move she disarmed the man, slammed his gun to his own nose, dropped to one knee and turned, firing at anything that moved.

Chloe was sliding on her knees, like a dancer she glided gracefully to a gunman, opened her legs to a perfect split, kicking his feet apart, forcing him to his own split. The man cried painfully as his tendons snapped, falling forward and brought his face into Chloe's elbow.

"Get out of the way!!" Kendall cried behind the steering wheel, trying to bring the speedy car under control. Its fat tail swung right and left like a lively snake, knocking people down with its momentum.

"I'm so sorry!!" she cried apologizing. "Stop keep running into me!!"

Morris and Slava watched the stunning intrusion as the Bugatti Chiron driving over people, and the girls taking down armed men.

"Did you call for backup?" Morris asked.

"No!" Slava shook.

The two took this chaotic opportunity, picked up weapons from the floor and joined the party.

The tactical team was scattered, each busy with their own counterpart. Their tactics weren't trained for something small and faster, each time they took aim at a target it disappeared into the dark, only to be struck by another from behind, like they were attacked by ghosts out of nowhere.

Kendall finally able to pull the car into a stop. She killed the engine and found the place silence, smoke were everywhere she could hardly see beyond the windscreen.

"Area secured!" she heard someone called out from the smoke.

"Wait!" JoJo responded, followed by a man's painful grunt. "Now it's secured!"

Kendall climbed out the car and saw the mess she made, the floor was scattered with bullet cases and guns and men in full tactical uniforms, knocked out or grunting in agony. As the smoke died down, she saw figures standing, first Chloe, Brooke and JoJo, then Slava and Morris.

"Isn't this the greatest bachelorette party ever?" JoJo broke out laughing.

"Ehh... would somebody help me out?" someone grunted weakly from the car.

All eyes turned to the Bugatti, Paige sank deep in the driver's seat, her body numbed from hours under Kendall.

Morris and Slava checked the girls for injury, then looking at the crates of weapons stored.

"JoJo, say Merry Christmas to your father!" Morris nodded.

"Can we still make it back?" Kendall looked at the time from her phone, thinking how the Bugatti could fit all seven of them.

"I think I can think of something." Slava smiled.

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