Chapter 13 : The Uninvited

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By time they returned to the hotel, workers were already setting up the reception. Everyone was admiring the set, but Chloe returned to her room first thing to check on the slippers. Morris has put great trust on her and she felt responsible to carry out her task.

She was relieved that they were right where she left them. She felt the shoes in the silky bag, couldn't help but took them out to try again.

She stood in front of a mirror, felt silly wearing the diamond slippers with her skinny jeans and sleeveless top.

A knocked on the door startled her, woke her from the fairytale dream. She opened the door and it was Paige.

"Quick! We need your opinion!" Paige grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the room.

"What's wrong?"

"They disagree with the setting"

"Who disagree?"

Without further words, Paige pulled Chloe out to the rear garden, passing a bridge that extended over the ring shape swimming pool, onto the center island where the wedding ceremony would take place.

Workers were setting up the reception, others hanging decoration onto trees and a gazebo. The girls and mothers were arguing what color flowers should place where to match their dresses. Brooke was sitting at a corner, eating out of a box of Frosted Flakes, laughing at the fight like always.

"Chloe, what do you think?" all eyes turned to her.

"I think..." she hardly knew what they were arguing, but she replied in her usual polite manner. "I think we should all respect the bride's opinion. I mean it's Brooke's wedding, right?"

And like her usual opinion, the moms continued to argue like she wasn't there. It was then she realized that she was still wearing the Glass Slippers at her feet.

Oh My God I need to bring these back! She cursed herself for being so careless, but as she turned she spotted something odd.

Among the workers setting the scenery, two men in coverall work clothes climbed out from under the gazebo. They were walking away empty handed, their eyes scanning left and right. Acting on instinct, Chloe went after them.

"Excuse me!" she called out, the two suspicious men continued walking as if didn't hear her.

"What's wrong?" Brooke came with a mouthful of Frosted Flakes.

"Something's wrong with those guys... I think." Chloe hesitated, didn't want to make a scene in her best friend's wedding.

"HEY!" Brooke yelled out in Russian. "STAY WHERE YOU ARE!!"

Her call startled the suspects to break out a run, which was her intention.

"Paige! Check the gazebo!" Chloe yelled back before running after them.

As if reading her mind, Paige called everyone away from the structure. Kendall hurried pushing the moms to a safe distance.

"What's going on?" the mothers asked in confusion.

"Oh, here we go again!" Kelly rolled her eyes, emptied her glass and picked up another from the nearest table.

The men split and headed into the opposite direction, a common tactic to confuse their pursuers, but Chloe and Brooke were experienced, each broke into their separate chase.

Chloe grabbed a wrench from a nearby toolbox, swung it towards the running man's leg, the steel bar spun like a boomerang, struck his ankle and tripped him over.

She caught up and stomped on his knee, her other leg launched a kick to his face, the diamond covered slipper cut his face like a knife, stunned the captive as much as herself.

Brooke's target was faster, jumped into a van and started the engine, but before he could go far, a fire extinguisher was sent through the side window, showered his face with shattering glass. Brooke reached in and grabbed him by the hair, pulled his head out and chocking his neck at the window frame.

"Stop!" Brooke said in Russian. "Stop or I'll break your neck!"

With the girl's entire weight dragging by his neck, his face turned purple, his neck was about to snap, so painful he couldn't even speak. He could only release the gas pedal and steering wheel to show his surrender.

Brooke returned to the reception with her captive, walked him through the cheering crowd, kicked him to a kneeling position and smiled to her victory. And then her smile disappeared once she learned that they were all cheering for Chloe, who had a man twice her size pinned under her knees.

"Well my runs faster!" Brooke snorted.

* * *

Slava interrogated the captives, identified them as the same gang who invaded the Seversky home.

"What do you want to do with them?" Slava asked Brooke.

"I don't know, to the police?" Brooke shrugged, never had she needed to trouble the authority before.

"The police would probably let them go. I say we hand them to JoJo."

"Yeah, she'll squeeze another million out of them!" Brooke nodded, Chloe failed to understand.

"Found it" Paige climbed out from under the gazebo, waving a wrapped of tubes in her hand. "Dynamite, Class C, seven-sticks, wired to a cell phone. Do people still use dynamite?"

"Paige, should you be waving it around??" her mother asked in concern, although still sipping from the drink in hand.

"Relax! I've removed the cap." Paige stood up and patted the dirt off her knees. "They couldn't even afford C-4?"

She casually tossed the dynamite across the air and into the nearby swimming pool.

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