Chapter 3 : Arrival

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Kelly Hyland didn't speak a word throughout the twelve hour flight, so her two daughters didn't dare to make a squeak.

By the courtesy of Dima's parents, they invited the Hyland family to Moscow, to meet and plan for their children's future. Unlike Kelly, they were more optimistic to see their son marry at a young age, thought it may bring him more responsibility to carry out the family business.

Kelly on the other hand, was upset that her daughter handled things so carelessly.

Sheremetyevo International Airport hasn't change a bit since their last visit, it felt like only weeks ago that they set foot on this foreign country.

"What is the purpose of your visit?" a fat woman behind the customs counter asked, her face cold as stone.

"Hopefully, to murder the boy who got my daughter pregnant." Kelly eyed the officer with murderous glare.

The female officer returned with equally cold glare, looked at Kelly's two teenage daughters, and then turned back to the mother, nodded firmly and quickly stamped the passports. Kelly collected them and shuffled the girls forward.

"Wait!" the female officer called out.

Kelly turned and saw the fat woman in uniform stood, she was as big as Abby. The cold soldier brought up her hand and gave Kelly a respectable solute.

"I hope you get that little prick!"

At the arrival terminal, they were greeted by a man in chauffeur uniform, holding a sign that said: THE HYLAND FAMILY - from USA. The chauffeur made a polite bow and spoke in English.

"Welcome to Moscow, Mrs. Hyland. I will take you to the Severskys."

"The Severskys?" Kelly puzzled.

"That's their family name." Brooke reminded her mother.

"Shut up!"

Swallowed her temper, Kelly nodded and signaled the chauffeur to lead the way.

"Will there be a Mr. Hyland, Ma'am?" the man asked along the way.

"He'll join us later. He is piled with work, unlike some rich kids who goes around knocking up young girls!"

"Mom!" Brooke whined, but stopped at her mother's glare.

They followed the man into the parking lot, Brooke saw him talking into his sleeve, she looked around and spotted two cars with men waiting in the drivers' seats.

"Where's Mr. Sinclair?" Brooke asked. "I thought he was supposed to pick us up."

"Mr. Sinclair is sick. I'll be replacing him today." the man reached a silver Mercedes and opened the door for them.

Brooke stopped, halted her little sister with an extended hand.

"Mom, I need to go to the restroom."

"No you don't!" Kelly Hyland continued towards the car.

Detected her sister's unusual tone, Paige turned, stood back to back with her sister, watching the rear.

"Mom. I need to go too!" the little sister said.

"You girls are embarrassing me!" Kelly cursed in annoyance.

"We'll stop by a restroom on the way." said the man impatiently. "Now please get in the car."

"I don't think so!"

Brooke launched her leg right between the chauffeur's legs, crouching him forward, then with a turn from her hips, swung an upper punch to his chin, sending him back again.

"Grab Mom!" Brooke went down on one knee, reached into the man's jacket, pulled out his sidearm, cocked and loaded.

Across the parking lot, men from the two cars got out and drew weapons. Brooke took aim at the fire sprinkler above them, fired two shots, broke the tap and set off a blast of shower, confusing the shooters.

"Into the car! NOW!" Brooke yelled.

Seeing her little sister pushed their mother into the backseat, Brooke slammed the grip of the gun to the chauffeur's nose, knocking him down.

"I don't usually do this to men I first meet!"

She reached into his pants and found the car keys, stomped on his face and sent him unconscious. Men across the parking lots firing blindly under the artificial rain, Brooke ducked and slipped behind the wheel, inserted the key and started the engine.

"What's going on??" Kelly cried.

"He's not who he said he was!"

"How would you know?"

"He said Sinclair is sick!" Brooke stomped on the accelerator and burned rubber. "There IS NO SINCLAIR!"

Brooke drove the Mercedes down a slope, found the exit and hit gas, crashed right through the paying booth and out of the terminal.

Steering with one hand, Brooke took out her phone and dialed Dima's number, there was no one answering. She tossed the phone to her sister at the back.

"Keep dialing!"

"Do you even know where you are going??" Kelly yelled from the back.

"Yeah! Getting the hell outta here!"

From the rear-view mirror she saw two cars approaching on the highway, one gray and one black.

"You're gonna get us into trouble!" her mom cried.

"Like we are not?"

She saw the gray car closing in, charging its head from an angle, ready to knock them off course.

"Oh no you don't!"

Brooke spun before impact, throwing the car into a one-eighty spin, evaded the gray car's impact and came face to face with the black vehicle.

"Where did you learn to drive like that?" her mom astonished.

"Kendall!" said Brooke, now driving backward looking at her pursuer.

Outside the windscreen, the black car gaining speed, its driver had one hand on steering wheel, the other hand holding a gun.

Both Brooked and the driver were right-handed, giving them difficulty to shoot straight without going through the windscreen. Brooke spun left, bringing the black car to her right, using the split-second of opportunity to shoot through the window, forcing her pursuer away.

"Anything?" she turned to her little sister.

"Still no answer!"

"Try JoJo!" Brooke watched the black car in the rear-view mirror lost control, flipped over and crashed into the guard rails.

Now the gray car was in front of them, swinging right and left, blocking them from advancing. Brooke saw a turn not far away, made a sharp right up the curve and out of the highway, sending the gray car continued its path.

"Hi Paige!" JoJo's voice came from the phone speaker. "Have you guys settled yet?"

"More or less!" Paige said. "We got guys chasing us!"

"Having fun already?" the Russian girl giggled. "Where are you?"

"We've just left the airport!" Brooke yelled from the front. "We need a place to hide!"

"I know just the place! I'll send you the coordinate!"

"Why is this always happening to us??" Kelly was still shaking. "I just want my children to have a normal and happy life!"

"Don't we look happy to you now??" Brooke kept her hands on the wheel, while Paige giving her directions.

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