Chapter 12 : Dinner Interruption

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JoJo arrived the bridal shop, ready to take the team for a reunion dinner.

"When was the last time I saw you!" JoJo smiled with her bleached white teeth, giving Chloe a tight squeeze.

"Too long!" Chloe could hardly breathe by her hug.

"Can't believe we're going to be bridesmaids!" Kendall all excited.

"Believe me, it's exhausting!" Paige sighed. "The dresses are nice though."

JoJo arranged a car to take the parents to the Seversky mansion, where the adults could have their social gathering, leaving the girls to catch up old times. She picked a Brazilian barbecue restaurant, Brooke and Dima were already there waiting, and received congratulations and blessings from her old teammates.

The barbecue was appetizing, but the girls were more attracted to the dessert buffet, filling the table with cakes, fruits, ice cream and chocolate fondues.

"I'm really sorry how our show turned out. I knew how much it meant for you." JoJo said to Maddie at the table. "If it's any consolation, the production team was fired after the video leak."

"What video leak?" Maddie puzzled.

"The one I took of your team winning. Scripted or not, one thing the viewers hate are being lie to."

"And you leaked it?" Maddie's eyes widen. "Why??"

"I never like the production crew anyway!" JoJo shrugged.

"Boy! I wish we could do the same!" Paige laughed out loud.

"Eh... Guys?" Kendall looked uncomfortable. "Did you invite any other friends?"

The girls looked up and found their table surrounded by a dozen boys, half of them in bandages.

"Having fun?" the Team Captain stared at Brooke. "We are not done!"

"Really? You still want that blowjob?" Brooke rolled her eyes. "Are you even UP for it?"

"Why don't you come outside and we show you?"

"Can't you see I'm eating with my friends?"

"We have something better for that mouth of yours!"

"Hey! Asshole!" Paige stood up impatiently. "You're the ass my sister kicked in the rink?"

The Captain looked down at the short blonde girl, surprised that she wasn't intimated by his gang.

"Let me get this straight!" Paige looked up at the wall of boys taller than her, her hands at her hips like Ms. Abby does.

"You guys got your ass kicked, by my sister, on slippery ice, in full protective gear." her eyes swept around the bandages on the boys. "What makes you think you have a better chance on solid ground, with a dozen of us, in a place full of cutting utensils and boiling chocolate??"

The Captain looked down on the table, it was full of folks and knives and sharp barbecue sticks, with the little blonde girl within reach of two boiling fondue pots on burning stoves. He gulped.

"That's why I say we'll take it outside." the Captain cleared his throat. "We don't want to create a public destruction."

"Fine!" Paige turned to her sister. "Watch my plate so the waiters don't take it away. I haven't finish!"

"You stay here." Chloe stood and said to the others.

"Oh I'm not going to miss this!" JoJo stood and left her seat.

Maddie watched Chloe, JoJo and Paige went out the door with a bunch of senior boys, she turned to Brooke in concern.

"Should we worry?"

"Nah!" Brooke shook her head, offering a strawberry from the fondue. "Have you tried these strawberries? They taste great with chocolate coating."

Maddie took the strawberry into her mouth, it was big as a golf ball, and would have tasted delicious if she wasn't hearing the sound of beating and grunting coming from the outside.

"Should we call the police?" she tried to speak through the big strawberry in her mouth. Brooke, Dima and Kendall continued eating their desserts as if nothing was happening.

"Don't you touch my hair!" Maddie heard Paige yelled, followed by a boy's painful cry.

"Chloe, use this!" JoJo said.

"No wait! He's mine!" Paige said again.

Maddie chewed uncomfortably as the struggling sound continued, once a while something smashed or cracked, then more grunting coming from the boys. A car alarm was set off by a heavy impact, almost made Maddie choke.

Before Maddie could swallow the rest of the strawberry, Chloe, Paige and JoJo came in through the door. Chloe returned to her seat in a graceful manner, JoJo and Paige tidying their hair, as if they've just returned from the ladies' room.

"So? What happened?" Maddie asked anxiously.

"So, I think I'll try the Brazilian steak!" Paige called to a waiter.

Maddie turned to Kendall, who shook her head quietly, as if saying: Don't ask!

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