"And what exactly... are you planning to do with him?" Asked Savannah, crossing her arms over her chest and avoiding Bucky's gaze.

"First we want to run some tests, then we'll wipe him, start him fresh"

Savannah nodded, "sounds like fun," She said.

Pierce put a hand on her shoulder, Savannah looked up at him, "I'm sorry for making you go to New York Princess, I know you hated it" he said. Savannah could feel Bucky's eyes on her, making this moment very awkward.

Very, Very, awkward...

"But to make it up to you" Pierce's apologetic face turned into an excited grin, "I'll let you be the one to pull the lever" he motioned to the lever that controlled the machine that wiped the memories. Savannah knew how painful it was, back when the Winter Soldier was part of Hydra, Savannah could hear the screaming from the other side of the building.

"Can't wait" she grinned back at him. Pierce seemed to miss the way her grin turned into a frown the second he looked away.

"Well I'll you get back to training Princess, I want you in my office tonight, you've got a new mission"

Pierce left the room, the guards following him. Savannah was left with just Bucky and the other Hydra doctor in the room.

Savannah turned to the doctor who looked up at her fearfully, Savannah loved the effect she had on these people.

"Scram," she told him. The doctor didn't need telling twice, he grabbed his things and practically sprinted out of the room, leaving Savannah with Bucky.

The second he left the room, Bucky turned to Savannah, "we've been looking for you" He said, his voice was dry, Savannah could only imagine the things they've already done to him. She grabbed the water bottle from the table and opened it. She walked over to him and held it to his lips, allowing him to drink some of it.

"You got caught," said Savannah, pointing out the obvious.

"Had to make sure you were okay," said Bucky, who was examining his chains.

Savannah deadpanned, "you got caught on purpose?" She asked, why the hell would somebody do that.

"Thought Hydra might have killed you or something, I had to see for myself that you weren't dead," he explained.

Savannah was silent for a few seconds before she scoffed, "that is the dumbest shit I've ever heard. You got yourself captured by Hydra, knowing what they'll do to you, just to make sure I was alive?" 

Bucky nodded.

"What would you have done if I was dead?" Asked Savannah.

"I'd improvise," said Bucky, Savannah could tell he hadn't really thought this through.

"You didn't come home," he said after a minute of silence.

Savannah sighed, "this is my home."

Bucky shook his head. "What happened? I thought you liked it at the tower, with Peter and Wanda, what the hell happened?"

Savannah scoffed, "as if you don't know."

"Obviously I don't"

Savannah looked at Bucky, he had to be joking, there was no way he didn't know what happened.

"Didn't Pietro tell you?" Savannah was getting more unsure by the second with the look of confusion on Bucky's face.

"Tell me what?" asked Bucky.

"What happened in the woods- he- didn't he tell you guys?"

Now even Savannah was confused.

"What happened in the woods?" Asked Bucky.

Savannah opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out, she was so shocked. Had Pietro actually not told the others?

Why didn't he say something?

"So.... he didn't tell you?" asked Savannah.

"He said that the last time he saw you, you were jogging on the track behind the tower," said Bucky.

Savannah raised an eyebrow. That wasn't exactly what happened but-

Why would Pietro lie?

"Look kid" started Bucky, "I don't know what happened to make you leave, but I know that we all miss you, Peter especially, and I don't think Wanda's left her room in two months. You should come back"

Savannah shook her head, "it's not that simple-" she got cut off.

"Why not? I'll tell you what, It's Tony's Halloween party tomorrow night, you should come. Ease your way back into things" he suggested.

Savannah shook her head, she couldn't go to a stupid party with the Avengers.

Bucky sighed, how was he supposed to convince her to come back when he doesn't even know why she left?

"Keep your head down and mouth shut, I'll be back later to let you out"

"Savannah wait-"

Savannah was already out the door.

She couldn't be in there any longer.

She was having too many thoughts running through her head at once. Too many memories, because Savannah has been in this same exact place before, with the Winter Soldier.


Six-year-old Savannah, too confident for her own good. With a dream of leading Hydra one day, she had dreamed of that since the moment she could even understand her dreams. Savannah knew she'd lead Hydra, it was her destiny.

She was currently standing outside the E room. Pierce had asked her to meet someone, her new trainer since Savannah had killed her last one. 

"Now remember Princess, he isn't like your other trainers" it was Pierce behind her, giving her this warning before she entered the room. "He gets angry very easily, don't let me down." Savannah nodded in understanding. She wouldn't let him down, she had killed her last three trainers, she would kill this one too.

She pushed the door open and walked inside.

There was a man sitting in the memory wiping chair. His long hair was down to his shoulders, his breathing was heavy and his blue eyes, which were so similar to hers, were piercing into her soul. 

"Princess, meet the Winter Soldier," said Peirce proudly. Savannah took another look at the man in the chair, she had heard stories about the great Winter Soldier, it was all Peirce ever talked about. The "amazing Winter Soldier" ugh, Savannah hated him already. Savannah was the best, she was the favorite, there wasn't room for anyone else.

End of flashback.

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