Chapter 45 ~ Gone

Start from the beginning

"Wait a minute." Said Toph. "No, it's not. Where's Aang?"

"I thought he was with you guys." I said.

"We thought he was still sleeping." Intervened Zuko.

"I didn't check his bed, but he usually wakes up before me. I just figured he'd be awake."

"We thought maybe his nerves had gotten to him. You know, preventing him from sleeping."

We all shared a look before dashing towards the beach house, hurrying to Aang's room.

"Aang? Aang!" We called, searching everywhere.

"Look at this." Sokka said, holding Aang's trusty airbending staff. "He left it. That's so strange."

Zuko dusted himself off. "Aang's not in the house. Let's check the beach."

When we got there, all we noticed were some footprints, probably Aang's. "The trail ends here." I said, pointing at the water.

"So, he went for a midnight swim and never came back?" Suggested Toph.

"Maybe he was captured."

"I don't think so." Sokka said, examining the footprints. "There's no sign of a struggle."

"I bet he ran away again." Said Toph, obviously exasperated by Aang's absence.

"Again?" I asked, pretty confused.

"Long story. You were with Zuko when it happened. Maybe I'll tell you someday."

"I don't think he did." Said Sokka. "He left behind his glider and Appa."

"Then what do you think happened to him, oh sleuthy one?"

"It's pretty obvious. Aang mysteriously disappears before an important battle? He's definitely on a Spirit World journey."

"But if he was, wouldn't his body still be here?" Reasonned Zuko.

"Oh, yeah. Forgot about that." He said, sounding downcast.

"Then he's got to be somewhere on Ember Island. Let's split up and look for him." Suggested Katara.

Toph immediately clung to Zuko. "I'm going with Zuko! What?! Everyone else went on a life-changing field trip with Zuko. Now it's my turn."

We agreed to let Toph go with Zuko. Sokka went alone and I searched for Aang with Katara.

A whole hour later, we all returned to the house empty-handed. "Judging by the looks on your faces, I'm guessing you guys didn't find Aang, either." I pointed out.

"No, it's like he just disappeared without a trace." Zuko sighed.

Toph stood up a little straighter, her feet planted solidly on the ground. "Hey, wait a minute. Has anyone noticed that Momo is missing, too?"

"Oh no! I knew it was only a matter of time! Appa ate Momo!" Sokka opened Appa's mouth by force and leaped in. "Momo, I'm coming for you, buddy."

"Sokka, Appa didn't eat Momo. He's probably with Aang." Said Katara, rolling her eyes at her brother's antics.

"That's just what Appa wants you to think!" He hollered from inside Appa's mouth.

"Get out of the bison's mouth, Sokka. We have a real problem here. Aang is nowhere to be found and the comet is only two days away." Zuko snapped.

"What should we do?" Katara pondered, turning to look at Zuko. Sokka emerged from Appa's mouth, covered in saliva and did the same. I followed suit, and I assumed Toph was looking at him with her feet.

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