30. Preventing A Mistake From Happening

Start from the beginning

Poland pov.

"Shit. Why it has to hurt like that." Hungary tried to hold back his complaints, but the bandage was way too tight for him and every movement of his arm hurts.

Watching him struggling like a little child, I responded, "Getting shot isn't very funny. At least you got only three stitches."

"Three stitches too much for my liking." He continued, "Do you think it will leave a scar?"

After a short glance over his arm I answered him, "Definitely a yes, but not a big one. You know you could later flexing around with your scar, telling that you got it from a fight."

"Really?" Hungary asked me surprised, "Then why I never saw you flexing with your scars. You have hundreds of them."

"Because my scars make me look like a criminal." I explained shortly with a neutral tone and Hungary reacted with a frown on his face as if he wanted to argue about my statement.

Someone knocked on the door. Soon after it opened and Czechia stepped inside. "I finished hiding the weapons away. Now no one will be able to shot at anyone."

"That's good. Did you talk with the doctor?" Hungary asked.

She nodded and spoke, "He will stay in his room like every other guests. I will also go now because it's late."

Czechia looked at Hungary who was still sitting on the bed not moving. He showed a troubled face and spoke, "I- I'll stay here over night."

Like Czechia I stared at Hungary surprised. An uncomfortable silence appeared and Czechia forced a smile before speaking, "I understand. I wish you two a good night."

She waved to us and as we slowly waved back, she went and closed the door behind her. I stare at the door with a bad feeling in my guts. Something happened between her and Hungary, but both of them didn't want to tell me what.

"Okay Hungary tell me what happened between you two." I told him and he faced me with a guilty look.

He let out a sigh and spoke, "We two had a fight. I heard her saying that she wanted you to be dead instead Slovakia and I got mad because of it."

It hurts hearing that. Now I understand why Hungary act so passive-aggressive to Czechia. He always gets overprotective when one of us get targeted. Still I knew Czechia since my childhood. I know how she ticked whenever she got angry or scared. Obviously she said this out of anger and without thinking, or at least I hope it.

Hungary waited worried for my reaction. I decided to speak, "You know that she's still grieving. She blurted any kinds of insults out without realizing it. You shouldn't take her words serious."

He shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter if it was intentional or not. She said it after you nearly died in front of me. Even after her apology I can't be 100% sure if she really meant it."

I nearly forgot about the strange apology of her. It was strange because not matter what happened, she never apologized first and on top of that she was calm the whole time. She even sat with the murderer in the same room without jumping on him and trying to kill him. Everyone has a different way of grieving, but it's something completely different with her. I couldn't pinpoint it out, but soon a dark thought appeared and it force me to check on her. Just in case.

With a little bit in pain I drag myself out from my bed. "What are you doing?" Hungary asked me worried.

"I will just go and talk with Czechia. Don't worry it won't take long I'll be back soon." I tried to calm him down, but he still looked at me with great concern.

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