"she was there the entire time."

Start from the beginning

it's her. Its her!’

Wei Ying wanted to scream out in horror and rip his hair apart. His skin crawled upon the late realisation. He had been with her the entire time. His aunt was the one who took him away, killed his parents and held him captive for months.

For almost half of his life he had been living with his captor and at that moment he couldn't even think straight.

Lan Zhan. Yes! He had to call Lan Zhan!

He was sure that Lan Zhan will get him out of the Jiang manor.

" Wei ying?"

Lan Zhan sounded confused and stoic at the same time. His ears seemed to pick his rapid breathing up.

Wei Ying cried out all of a sudden when the doors were banged and his aunt's voice called him out.

"Wei Ying! Come out."

She seemed angry for some reason. Or mayhaps she had realised that he had seen all of it.

Wei Ying sinked down on the floor next to the door holding his body firmly against the door. 

"Lan Zhan...."

Wei Ying sobbed lightly, he did not want Yu Ziyuan to hear anything.

"Deep breaths."

Lan Zhan sounded calm and steady as usual but, what was going inside his mind was solely reserved for himself.

Wei Ying nodded like a madman and sucked in a deep breath. The banging stopped and the footsteps faded away soon.

"L-lan Zhan, Lan Zhan. Aunty yu i-in room fool of mirrors."

"My clothes when I was a baby. T-they were there."

"She was inside w-with big pictures o-of me."

"Mama and baba were cut out."

Lan zhan's breath hitched on the other side upon the very late realisation. The murders never fazed Yu ziyuan. They made her go even further.

"Call the cops."

Lan Zhan's voice sounded furious, he got off his seat and walked outside paying no attention to the visitors he had today.

"Wei Ying, lock the doors don't come outside. I'll be there. Deep breaths Wei Ying."

Wei Ying cluctched onto his shirt tightly and wiped the blood coming out of his nose as fast as he could.

"H-help Lan Zhan. She g-gave me my meds back. It's all fuzzy."

He wanted to see Lan Zhan before he passed out or atleast died. Just this once, he had to see Lan Zhan and tell him how much he loved him or atleast see his face one last time before it all for over.

"Please come back. F-for once. Just o-one last time."

" Wei Ying, we promised eachothers. Forever means forever."

"No matter what."

Wei Ying completed his sentence with a dull laugh. Even though he knew that he wasn't going to make it out alive, he wanted to believe that what he heard was all true.

"S-she did it just like she promised didn't she?"

Fake tears were shed.

A fake funeral was orchestrated.

Fake investigations were organised.

A fake name was given to the boy who never died.

' To the World Wei Wuxian is dead. '

She announced the day he turned four. To say that she had such a plan up her sleeve was never really the part where the questions were raised.

The question was why she kept him captive and let him escape just to lure him back into her perfect trap.

Wei Ying sighed against the door, a heave left his chapped lips. The pale pallor was taking over his face like it once used to stay over his face.

He finally understood what the whole ordeal was about. The forced feeding and feeling sick afterwards. The frown on the Butlers face as though he was forced to do something he did not wish to.

The look of just smugness on her face when she saw him in the hospital after getting diagnosed. She bragged about how she had warned him to be filial with his food.

"She poisoned me."

Wei Ying muttered under his breath watching his hands slowly turning blue.

"Wei Ying please. Don't close your eyes."

No amount of running and rage driving was going to bring him to the Jiang manor at the right time. The cops would need a warrant to walk inside the Jiang house, it gave Yu Ziyuan Enough time to escape with wei ying in her clutches.

"Please, Wei Ying."

A choked gasp was heard from the other side and the line went dead the next second.

Lan Zhan's eyes widened in horror when the line went dead.

' No! No! No! '

He screamed inside his mind and slammed his hands against the glass barrier.

Meanwhile, Yu Ziyuan walked inside her nephew's room with a smirk on her face. It looked smug but, wei wuxian had long passed out before he could see her face.

"Xianxian broke a rule now, didn't he?"

"Time for payback."


Hello there~!

Hope you guys are safe and well.

This book is coming to an end. Maybe three more chapters? And then one last epilogue.


See ya~!

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