I pause in the door way, letting my eyes scan the small room. I haven't been in here since the last time I spent with the girl. A heavy, long sigh escapes my lips as tears flood down my cheeks. I walk into the room and quickly begin going through her drawers, through anything and everything. Pulling out clothes, tossing them behind me. Pulling out papers and scanning them before tossing them. And before I knew it I squeeze my eyes together tightly before taking the dresser and pulling it away from the wall letting it fall all while feeling pain strike through my ribs and my upper back. I stumble back as a loud crashing sound occurs. I stand there shaking my head before I feel a hand on my shoulder.

Without warning I grab the person's wrist and turn around, pinning the person to the wall. But then I'm met with green eyes. "Alycia..." I breathe out letting go immediately and taking a several steps back. The girl bites her lip and slowly lifts herself away from the wall, tearing her eyes from me and around the room. I look away from her and to the room as well, realizing I trashed everything and anything I could.

"Y/N-" Alycia pauses and I glance back to her seeing her head shake from side to side. But before she could speak I speak first.

"They're right. Billy and Cherry. They're right-" I pause briefly shaking my head as Alycia turns her head, locking our eyes. "We never saw the body. There's a possibility Daisy is alive but it wouldn't make sense. None of this, none of it would make any sense."

"Y/N, breathe okay?" Alycia says gently stepping towards me and taking my hands into her own. I keep my eyes locked on her's as I feel her squeeze my hands gently. "If there's a chance Daisy's alive, wouldn't you want that? You two were in love."

"You're right. I would but right now, if she faked her own death. She started all of this nonsense, she put your life on the line. She put everyone else's lives on the line," I say, shifting my eyes back and forth between the green eyed girl.

"She put yours on the line..." Alycia whispers and I nod my head up and down slowly.

"Exactly. She put all of us in danger and then some, for what? Why even build this place when in reality she had this other operation on the side? Why, why leave me a note telling me about this operation? Why have Gale come after us? Why this and why that? None of it makes sense!"

"You're right, but maybe... I hate to say this-" Alycia pauses, dropping her eyes from me. I shake my head and squeeze her hands back.

"Just say it, I've probably already thought it."

Alycia nods, slowly rising her head. "What if Daisy was like Gale? Playing you, playing this family?"

I clench my jaw and drop my head this time, shrugging my shoulders. The girl had a point. It very much could be that Daisy was playing us, all of us. But why? And how? I met the girl when I was 11 years old. We became best friends, hell we became more than that. She was special. She was so open minded and the way she spoke and had these ideas, it was amazing. She was brilliant and nice. So why, after everything would she actually pull something like this?

"Did you find- Oh Jesus!" Ducky spoke looking around the room. I pick up my head and glance over to the door to spot Ducky and Rae standing there, both of their eyes wide as they gently come into the disastrous room.

"Y/N? You okay?" Rae asks my eyes on hers. I separate my lips and let go of Alycia's hands, turning my head away from all of them, letting my eyes scan around the room. Silence surround us and I take a step back from Alycia before walking over to the desk and searching it.

"Y/N?" Alycia says as I get down on the ground, searching underneath it.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" Ducky asks but I stay quiet, not seeing anything leading me to look to the four legs of the desk and tilting my head slightly to the right before turning so my own two legs faced them.

𝕊𝕒𝕗𝕖 & 𝕊𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕 (𝔸𝕝𝕪𝕔𝕚𝕒 𝔻𝕖𝕓𝕟𝕒𝕞-ℂ𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕪 x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum