'That's amazing Amy' said Keira hugging her.

'You can read it to me later, but I'm so proud of you Aims' said Jack kissing the top of her head.


Over the next few weeks Amy and Jack fell into their own little routine again. They both even downloaded a shared calendar app so they could keep a track of his training and her jobs, but most of all so they could coordinate their weekends when she went to university, which was a bit like an elephant in the corner of the room. Neither one mentioned it to the other, but they were both counting down the days until she left. It was going to be hard being apart, but if they were as strong as she thought they were they'd get through it.

'So what's the plans for today then?' Asked Amy. According to the calendar, Jack had 'media work', and then he'd be all hers for the rest of the day.

'I'm just about to do this online interview thing with Josh, he wants to talk to me about the transfer and how I'm settling in and stuff'

'Can I watch or am I banned?' Amy asked with a mischievous look on her face.

'If you make me laugh or clown around like you usually do, then you'll be out, and I will punish you later. You get me?' He slapped her bum playfully.

'I promise to behave' she said. 'Brownies honour'

Amy and Jack went through to the sitting room where Jack had set up his macbook. Amy curled up in the chair opposite him with her book.

Josh came up on screen and the two of them had a quick chat before they hit the live button.

'So here I am with my man Grealish' said Josh.

'Alright bro' said Jack, giving him a casual wave.

The interview had gone on for some time and Amy was only vaguely listening when she heard Josh mention her.

'I hear that Amy gives you plenty of post-match analysis' Josh said cheekily. Amy looked up to check out Jack's reaction.

'Oh my god yes! honestly she's strict as anything. If I miss a shot, she's right in there telling what I need to do and how to improve it, I think she's the hardest coach I've ever had'

'Really?' Laughed Josh.

'Yeah, and you should hear her shouting at the ref during the games it's actually ridiculous. They don't need VAR when she's in the stand' Jack couldn't stop laughing, and threw a look towards her.

'Oi you, I'm not that bad' she shouted.

'Is she there? Tell her to come over, I want to hear this from the horses mouth' said Josh, clearly amused.

Amy shook her head at Jack, she was wearing a mint green jogging suit that she only wore around the house and her hair was up in a messy bun but Jack insisted. He moved the MacBook and she joined them.

'So how like hard are you on Jack really then? Are you as bad as he says?' Josh asked. About a hundred comments popped up in the chat box instantly.

'I'm not that hard on him' she giggled, knowing she could be at times. 'I guess I'd say I'm more fair than hard. I just know what he's capable of so I like to give him constructive criticism'

Jack pulled a face at her that playfully said "bullshit". 'Seriously though, she knows more about football than a lot of people and I do value her opinion on my performances. She's been there with me since the start and nobody knows how I play like she does, so it does help'

'That's lucky, because you know I'd give my opinions to you anyway' she laughed.

'Honestly guys, this is what these two are like all the time' laughed Josh. 'Someone needs to give you both your own comedy show. But anyway Are you looking forward to the new season Amy? Will we seeing you around the Etihad' He asked

'Well, that all depends on the fixtures really' she said with a smirk.

'Yeah, because listen to this. She's only gone and renewed her Celtic season ticket' Jack huffed.

'Yeah? And? I'm looking forward to seeing how Postacoglu does with the team rebuild. I'm particularly interested to watch Kyogo, who obviously came very highly recommended by Iniesta, and also the new forward Abada, who's got off to a great start in the friendlies'

'See what I mean?' Jack laughed. 'She actually knows what she's talking about'

'Anyway, I'll let you boys get back to what you were talking about' she said, giving Josh a wave and going off camera. She hoped she hadn't wrecked his interview


'Aims, come and see this' Jack shouted after he was finished.

'Sup?' She asked walking through from the kitchen sipping her cup of tea.

'Well apparently even though people didn't agree with your choice of team, they thought you were great. They're saying you should start a football channel of your own. I think it's a great idea. You could interview me' Jack said

'I guess I could' she said, 'but I dunno, how many people would want to hear my thoughts on football?' She wasn't convinced.

'You should have a think about it. I think you'd be amazing'

'Know what would be really amazing?' She asked.


'Naked hot tub, race you there!' She giggled, knowing fine well he'd catch her.


Jack woke twenty minutes before the alarm was due to go off. As always, Amy was almost superglued to him, but that's how he always slept best. He lay still, just looking at her and trying to save the moment into his memory, because today was the day that she was going back to Scotland. He'd managed to swing it with Pep to have a couple of days off to go with her. He'd never seen her uni before and he wanted to see what it was like. The thought of her being up there away from him made his heart ache. Rationally, he knew this was just temporary, and she'd be back soon. Her toothbrush would stay in the bathroom, her Celtic 9 in a row mug would stay in the kitchen, her wellies that she wore when she walked the dog would stay in the cupboard under the stairs, but she wouldn't be there.

'Why are you looking at me?' She groaned, stretching out.

'Just thinking how much I'm going to miss you, and our morning cuddles' he sighed.

'Ahh, but that means they'll be even better when I'm back' she tried to reassure him. 'I'm only going to be like 4.5 hours away. I'm not falling off the face of the earth'

'Just feels like It' he sulked.

By ten they were ready to leave. Jack had wanted to fly, but Amy reminded him she would need her car, so they were driving, and Jack would fly back by himself. Long drives with Jack were like taking children on a long journey. He needed drinks, snacks, music and his phone charger, and still he grumbled all the way there.

'Is this it? Please tell me this is it. I can't feel my legs!' Jack groaned, as she began to reverse into her parking space.

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