Chapter 1 - A weird sound

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This is my first book I have wrote so please do not judge me if you find things messed up(punctuation etc.) I am a young writer, but in these chapters it is you and fell sans (you being a female sorry boys)
y/n - your name


You were startled awake at 5:00 am from a loud crashing sound outside your complex. You live in a small cramped neighborhood with an apartment on the third floor right next to an old building, though not much happens other than fights breaking out between people. Sometimes you can hear gunshots as you're just getting home after work, but you've gotten used to it.

You roll out of bed covered in a dark red blanket that draped across your shoulders. Walking over to the bedroom window. You peek outside with your hands cupped around your eyes. You spotted a man with a bag. All of a sudden the bag moved-

"WHOA did that bag just move?!" You blurted out.

The man tossed the long brown duffel bag with silver chains and a bronze dull lock into the dumpster outside your complex. Realization hits you as you know the dumpster will be cleaned within a few hours, maybe less.

You wanted to see what was in that bag. Knowing it would probably be a dead body your face twists in disgust, but you couldn't hold your curiosity back. Quickly put on some clothes and grabbing your black and red rose sweatshirt you made your way out of your apartment and to the elevator.

You started to descend downwards stopping at the main floor. Creeping out of the elevator you jogged past the reception desk to the front door of the building. As you opened the door you turned the corner checking your surroundings to make sure no one was around to see you diving through a dumpster. Especially the man who tossed the bag in it.



I could feel myself swallow hard as I got closer to the dumpster, but as I listened I could hear a faint cry and mumbling from the dumpster. Rushing forward I took a jump and hosted myself into the bin searching for the bag and crying. The noise stopped as I found the bag. As I broke the lock and undid the chains I opened the bag and was shocked.


~End Of Chapter One~

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