Chapter 8 - An Uncovered Secret

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You sit up still not being able to sleep and make your way to the kitchen after having forgotten about the plates. Giving the sink the stink eye you sighed and started to wash the dishes... *time pasted and you were still suck on one plate* In frustration you whispered yelled at the plate "aaaah why won't this come OFF?!" Not accepting defeat you continued to scrub away at the plate till it was squeaky clean. You tend to get upset easily but you never seem to quit. I mean sure you were lazy but everyone was in their own way. Suddenly you remembered yourself a few years back. You happened to be a pilot in the US national guard. One of the best if you say so yourself. For 7 hard working years you fought for your country and trained every day to be the best and later hoped to become a teacher. All until an accident happened-


"-Shit shit, the controls are gone!" It all went wrong so quickly.

"NOTHING IS WORKING" Maybe if I did better.

"MAYDAY MAYDAY, this is Delta 4, I repeat MAYDAY, the engine is dead, we hit a jet stream current, losing altitude fast."

"Y/N We're gonna have to eject" He screamed from behind me. Why couldn't I have listened.

"Alright, ejecting at 5"... I could have prevented this

"4"... I should have turned back

"3"... stop trying to be being a hero

"2"... stop putting people in danger

"1"... or worse, eject... getting them KILLED

* WHOSH * -The glass popped off and the seats unhitched and launched upwards

The wind blew furiously as I whipped around in the air, my hand instantly pulled the string causing a parachute to pop out and guide me down to safety. As my head snapped back to reality, I quickly looked around for him. My eyes landed on his body and a tangled parachute."SHIT" My hand yanked on the release causing my parachute to fly upwards and my body to go downwards. "G/N!" (Guy name) I dove down towards him grabbing his chest strap, "G/N!!!" they weren't listening, they were panicking. "G/N, look at me. LOOK AT ME!" Their eyes snapped to me, they were terrified... full of fear.

"Y/n I'm scared I'm so scared" they said through sobs.

"It's ok, it's ok. G/n you're the best thing that ever happened to me. Flying with you is like flying free... with no worries."

The ground is getting closer.

G/n's parachute was tangled and their back up wouldn't open. One parachute is too weak to hold both of us and it's unable to detach from me to give to him. Make up your mind- "I'm not leaving you."

"W-what?!" 500 meters.

"We do everything together, and that will include dying together." 300 meters.

"NO, save yourself Y/n" 200 meters

"Na, I rather die with you-" 150 meters

"I'm sorry Y/n, but I can't let you" G/n opens your hand and places something inside it. 100 meters

"Wait, what are you-" *Click*

"Goodbye Y/n... I love you "

"No.." *WHOUP* -Your backup parachute opens up sending you slightly upward before slowly descending downwards- 50 meters by now "NOOOOOOOOOOO" you scream bloody murder as you claw at the parachute, "NO NO NO NOOOO, YOU MOTHER FUCker no no... please" 20 meters. {It won't budge} You stop struggling as you stare blankly at the ground... 10... 5... 0... your parachute finally clicks open releasing you.


" G / N " you breathe out. Dropping to your knees you scream in sorrow, " YOU WERE ALWAYS AN ASS HOLE BUT THIS WENT TO FAR! *sob* I FUCKING LOVED YOU AND I NEVER GOT TO TELL YOU THAT!!" *sob* "I-I can't do this without you... I should have asked for reinforcements... I should've listened to you... it's all my fault... I'm so sorry G/n..."

As you mourned over his dead body a helicopter could be heard in the distance.

But it was too late for one and the other, well...

*Flashback Ends*


*Faint sobbing could be heard*

What the fuck? *sobbing* Who's crying? I slowly got up and made my way to the door, *more sobbing* is Y/n crying?... I cracked the door open and peeked out... huh, she's not in the living room... I opened the door all the way and started to follow the sobbing. *More sobbing and mumbles of "it's all my fault"* Turning the corner into the kitchen I spot Y/n on the ground with her head in her hands... "uh shit... h-hey you good?" 'what the hell are you thinking she's obviously "not good" she's fucking crying'... *no response* "Y/n?" *no response* I slowly walk over to her, my feet clicking against the tile floor. Then I realized that she was having a minor panic attack... "Shit, hey..." I grabbed her shoulders slightly shaking them, *no response* At this point I was on my knees in front of her. "Hey Y/n look at me, LOOK AT ME!" Her eyes snapped open and stared right into my eyes, they were full of sorrow, fear, and guilt. "It's ok, it's ok... it's just a nightmare." Her hands slowly moved to grab mine on her shoulder, she looked back at the ground and then to me again.

"N-no, it wasn't... it was a memory." (Déjà vu?!)


~End Of Chapter Nine~

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