I scoffed. "Requested. Yes, of course."

Her features softened. "It's just lunch. I'm sure no harm would be done if you'd come down and join him."

I raised my brow, "Do I get to say no?"

She hesitated, "I'm afraid not."

I sighed, "Then I'd come down once I get to leave my cage. I have no other choice."

She was silent for a moment and I was sure she'd leave but then she said, "You'd come to like him soon. I'm sure."

"Hell would freeze over before that will happen. There sure is a term called Stockholm Syndrome but that won't be applicable to me in near future. Or in this lifetime."

"His actions are a little...unorthodox, I agree, but he means no harm to you, Miss Stella." She smiled.

I assessed her. "How long have you known him?"

"Eleven years."

"And you never thought of leaving?" I asked. Was he keeping Arnold and her a prisoner too?

She smiled. "No. We are a little family now."

I pressed my lips, "What about his real family?"

She sighed, "I'm afraid that's not my place to say. Ask him, he'll tell you." And then she nodded, "I'll take my leave now. Enjoy your breakfast."

And then she locked me in again.

Knowing I had nothing else to do, I had my breakfast and decided to have a shower.

Christian's shower was the fanciest thing I had ever seen. A wooden bench ran along one glassed-in wall. The other side was taken up with stone shelves, all the angles smoothed out. Designed that way on purpose. The water ran straight down over me, like rain.

I wrapped myself in a towel as I went into the closet. Christian's clothes were lined up before me. All black. Even his watches were black. I wanted to snoop through his things, thinking I'd find something of use but decided against it.

I put on the most baggy clothes I owned because I didn't need to be presentable.

And I sat back on the bed having nothing to do.


The room didn't have a clock so I didn't know the time when the door to my cage opened again.

Arnold appeared.

"Your presence is requested downstairs, Stella." He smiled.

I knew I had no choice so I followed him downstairs. And in the dining hall, my tormentor was waiting for me, dressed like Hades, in a black suit, frowning down at his phone.

Upon hearing my steps, his head lifted and a smile replaced the frown as he put his phone back in his pocket.

"I missed you," were his first words to me.

I froze, blinked rapidly. "What?"

"I didn't have you with me for sixteen hours and forty-three minutes. So I missed you."

I didn't know what to say.


Christian pulled a chair back for me to the left of the head chair. And then he seated on the head chair.

The Maddest ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now