Assassin x Love x Pirate

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Authors Note: This part's still a continuation, this is my first time so i hope guys like it though it's still lacking.


The two people seem to have opened their hearts to each other listening to each other's stories and such. Liliana thought to herself that being with him brings her happiness and so she does not plan to go back to where she belongs because she thought to herself that no one will care if she died anyway. Although she felt guilty because of how she treated her father and brother badly, she thought to herself that it's better to not go back because she has troubled them a lot.

5 yrs have passed.

Liliana is 22 and Richard 23, they spend most of their time together, solved problems together, traveled together, and finally deciding to marry each other. Richard's father opposed at first but then Liliana told her her stories and johnny pitied her so the Wellerman's accepted her. Johnny told the two about the Wellermans and the cursed. He told them that only males are born in the Wellermans and there was an old tale where once a girl is born into the Wellerman that child's tears can bring the dead back to life. Then the wedding took place in the Wellermans ships all the people celebrated with joy.

While inside the Zoldyck Family Estates.

5 yrs have passed and they couldn't find a trace to where Liliana might be, Silva annihilated her aunt's family in an attempt to find where his sister is and after learning the truth that she jumped into the cruise ship there was a terror look on their face, it would be alright if it was in a normal sea but it was in the dark continent sea, where no man can survive a day because the ocean is filled with mythical creatures that can bring a city to ruin. They did not lose hope hoping to find a trace but to no avail, they couldn't. All they could do is pray for her safety and happiness on where she might be.

Back to Liliana and Richard's timeline.

A month after the wedding, a blessing has come, they found out that Liliana is pregnant and is expected to give birth in the eleventh month. Happiness surged from the pirates and all of them celebrated Liliana's pregnancy.

Lilibeth Wellerman (Feitan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now