After a small break for lemonade, the boys got back in the water. Even Wanda was in the water, chilling in the shallow end of the pool not wanting to get her hair wet. Savannah was sitting at the edge of the pool with her feet in the water. She had decided that this was a reasonable distance from the water so that she wouldn't accidentally drown because God that would be embarrassing.

"-And then he carried me to the roof where we watched the sunset." Wanda had been telling Savannah about a date she had gone on with a Robot? Named Vision? Savannah decided not to ask any questions and just listen to the story.

"That's cute,"

Wanda nodded enthusiastically.

"Are you guys going to talk all day or are you actually going to swim?" Called Pietro from the deep end of the pool where he and Peter had been racing.

"Talk," Wanda called back.

After a few seconds, Pietro was walking towards them in the shallow end of the pool. He shook his head out and water droplets went flying in every direction from his hair.

"Смотрите! (watch it!)" scolded Wanda as she covered her eyes to keep water from getting there.

"What about you?" Pietro ignored Wanda and turned to Savannah, "are you going to swim?"

Savannah shook her head and Pietro frowned.

"You guys are boring" he swam away leaving Wanda to splash water at his retreating figure.

"It's nice you know?" said Wanda

Savannah looked at her curiously, silently asking her to explain.

"Us, here, all together. Most of the time it's just me and Pietro" Savannah understood, it must be hard only talking to Pietro. 

She couldn't even imagine it.

"But ever since you got here, I don't know, it's been different." 

Savannah wasn't sure what that was supposed to mean, she also wasn't sure what she had done to make things different, "Glad I could help" she grinned.

Wanda grinned back at her, "and it's nice having a girl to talk to that's my age"

Again, Savannah wasn't sure how she had helped because she never really had anything interesting to say. She had never dated anyone, of course, being part of Hydra and everything. She had her missions but she preferred not to talk about them. It was usually Wanda talking about her and Vision and Savannah just listening. Maybe Pietro didn't like listening? She didn't know.

The only problem was, now Savannah felt something in her chest.

A small weight, almost guilt.

She was here to get information out of them and they were really trying to accept her here.

Shame it was all going to come to an end sooner or later.

"Peter, give me that!"

"No, I don't think I will"

Savannah looked over to see Peter holding a water gun, she wasn't sure where the hell it had come from but Pietro was dodging Peter's attacks.

"We should get out of here before things get messy" Said Wanda. Savannah agreed with her, she really wasn't in the mood to get splashed by the water gun.

Wanda and Savannah got out of the pool and wrapped towels around their waists. They bid the boys goodbye and walked down the hallways toward their rooms. They stopped outside Wanda's room, Savannah waited for her to enter so that she could be polite and say goodbye like a nice normal human being who was getting the Avengers to trust her.

Little Princess  (An Avengers/ P.M. fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin