Chapter 51

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"I have come with a message from her, that is Lady Alexandi. She wishes to speak with you on a matter of importance. I am to bring you to her at once."

"I see. Then I shall come with you at once. But first..." Erec looked to Drew. "Get a maiden to tend to Gwyn and set guards. Gwyn and the children must not be disturbed or frightened."

"It shall be done."

Erec watched as Drew turned and strode toward the stairs where the other men waited. Standing shoulder to shoulder with arms crossed and legs braced as they were, they made a formidable wall and from the quiet in the hallway, Erec knew it a very effective one.

"Alright lad, let us away."


"Bring wine and..." Alexandi looked to Erec who gave a shake of his head. "Just wine, then."

The boy nodded and disappeared. Alexandi closed the door behind him and crossed to a chair near the hearth. Though it was summer, the nights sometimes were cool this far north. Taking a seat, he was grateful for the warmth, but hoped it would not make him fall asleep.

"You asked to speak to me? The boy said it was a matter of importance?"

"It is of some importance, though I am not sure exactly how much. It concerns the Bishop...and your mother I think."

"My mother?" Erec was surprised. She had died when he was born and he never knew the woman. Nor had his father, nor anyone else that he could recall, mentioned her much.

"What do you know of her?"

"Nothing, save that my father loved her and that she died when I was born."

"You know nothing of her family then?"

"She had no family. I remember father telling me she was raised in the Abbey and that she was orphaned. She never knew of her family."

"Then first let me tell you of your mother. When you were first brought to us as a boy, I sent letters and learned what I could of your parents in case you should ever ask. You never did, and I quite forgot about it until recently."

"What has this to do with the Bishop?"

"First let me tell you of your mother. She was, as you said, raised at the Abbey. I was raised there myself, so I knew the records had been destroyed, but I also knew where to send my inquiries. It took many months and I despaired of learning anything but at last a letter arrived."

She held out a letter, indicating that he should read it.

Taking the letter, he looked at it. It was obviously very old, as he knew it must be as it was received by the Lady when he was but a child. He marveled that she had kept it for him all of these years. Turning it over, he saw it sealed with red wax and gold leaf with a bit of red ribbon that was frayed.

"It was quite beautiful when it arrived." Lady Alexandi said, noticing Erec fingering the seal and bit of ribbon. "I had to trim the ribbon off years ago, but the rest is as it was...except much older, of course." She offered a smile of encouragement.

Erec lifted the fold and continued unfolding until he beheld a rather long letter in an elegant and precise hand.

"The good Bishop Morchat has gone to his heavenly reward since he penned this. He was a kind soul and a true servant of God and mankind. He placed many orphans in the care of the church. And more than that, he remembered them and often would send letters upon marriages or other significant events. He is much missed."

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