Chapter 18

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His body sagged under the weight of their reality. He could not help her before, and he still could not help her. His life was threatened. He might free them from service, but he there was no safe place to take them. They could not live at the garrison. and Greenwood was not fit for the rats living within its crumbling walls.

Even should he wish it, he could not leave his service to make it livable again. He was dually bound by his oath, sworn first to Hugh the Great upon his deathbed, and later in his oath of fealty sworn after Hugh the Younger was crowned.

He might recall some of his former men in need of occupation since their release from service, but even if he could restore Greenwood and even if he had enough men to fill the garrison there...there was still the threat to his life.

He knew the source to be Hugh the Younger, but he knew not the time or the means. And he harbored no doubts that those seeking to spill his lifeblood would not cease until either he or they breathed no more. Claiming Gwyndolyn and Robin for his own put them in danger, for his enemy would not scruple to use them to get to him...

He pulled at his hair as he growled his frustrations.

He could not have her, neither could he save her! —or could he?

Another thought tickled the edge of his mind, but he could not grab hold to make sense of it.

Getting to his feet he was out the door in a heartbeat and nearly trampled a servant in the hall. She bounced off from him, and the load of cloths in her arms flew every which way as she tumbled. He grabbed at her, catching her by her belt and lifted her to her feet.

Frightened, she scrambled away and cowered against the wall.

"Forgive me." He nodded, and took a step to move away. The girl flinched.

He knew his size alone intimidated most people who did not know him, but he could not imagine what would have her quivering from fright. Mayhap the punishment for displeasing the master's favored guest was harsh? He wanted to make it right, but when he turned toward her, she pressed herself into the wall. This would not do at all.

Not knowing how else to proceed, he treated her like a frightened mare. He stepped back, but held his hand out, palm up and spoke low and gentle as he could manage and still be heard. "I meant not to harm you. I was too hasty in my steps and I saw you not until we collided. I meant only to spare you from injury. Please, do say that you will forgive me?"

Her chin jerked up and he saw her surprise and fear battling within her large round eyes.

"You wish my forgiveness, milord?" she squeaked. Had he not been listening carefully, he would have missed it.

"Yes, my good woman. I do." He smiled and dipped his chin before adding: "I have wronged you and I ask your forgiveness."

He knew the moment that she had forgiven him, for she stood a little straighter and lifted her chin with a smile.

"Of course, milord. Twas an accident and I am unharmed." Her confidence returned and he inwardly sighed in relief as she went on, speaking as though they were friends. "Think nothing more of it. I thank you milord, for your attentions and for keeping me from a bad fall."

"Thank you, good woman. Now, if you please, where might I find a boy to fetch my lieutenant, Sir Drew to me?"

"I shall be happy to see to it for you. Where shall I say he is to meet you?"

"In my chambers, just there." He pointed, though he knew it was unnecessary. According to Gwyndolyn, all the servants knew which room he was given. "If you please, tell him that it is very important and for him to make haste."

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