Chapter 47

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When he at last he recalled his better senses, he ended the kiss, pressing her cheek to his chest, to rest his chin upon her crown. It was much more than he intended, but he was powerless to do less in the overwhelming joy of having her home again.

At last, his heart calmed and he noticed the quiet. Erec grinned as he looked about the empty room.

When he built her a bed, he wished to give her a feather mattress and a pile of soft furs, but he was pleased with what he managed in his limited resources.

The mattress of fresh pine boughs was covered with a woolen blanket and a soft quilt from her home. Scooping her up, he carried her to the new bed which was easily large enough for the two of them.

It was far too empty without her...


Erec leaned against the jamb and watched the children playing nearby.

"You look at them, but you do not see them, husband." Gwyn stepped up behind him and a bit to the side so she could see what he stared at. "What is it that has you so troubled?"

"I am thinking on what we should do, if there is anything that can be done. It is difficult to know with so many things yet unknown."

"It will be better when John returns from Brecken. I am given to understand that he should be back any day now." Gwyn smiled, rubbing his back.

"Aye." Erec frowned. "It was a risk to send him, although, it was a necessary one."

Gwyn said nothing. Erec looked down and saw her watching him, with a patient, encouraging look. He took her free hand and brought it to his lips.

"There are so few of us that even should I go to Brecken, I fear I could do nothing to prevent the inevitable. On the other hand, I am persona non grata in Kingstown. Even should I find a way to get through the web of men Neron has set to lie in wait for me, no one would believe me over Lord Neron," Erec met her eyes and held them earnestly.

"For the first time in many years, Gwyn," He sighed heavily, "I am truly frightened."

"Berk is in Kingstown. You said that he was as capable a man as these here with us. Trust him and Cameron to keep the king alive. For now, our problem seems to be how to keep King Axel and his troops in Far North, where they belong."

Erec could only manage half a smile for all of his concerns. "One thing at a time."


Gwyn spoke true for John arrived before the sun set that eve with word from Lady Brecken. And as Erec feared, the news was not favorable. Her ladyship promised that she would find a way to keep the men at Brecken for another fortnight. Beyond that she could not promise.

"We have only so long to find soldiers enough to stop Far North at the pass and preserve our Kingdom."

"Is that all?" Gwyn gave a teasing smile in attempt to lighten the severity of Erec's mood.

"God's Teeth!" Erec growled, turning suddenly and pacing furiously the length and breadth of the room. "I must trust to Cameron and Berk to keep our King alive. But are we to come so far and be defeated by treachery from within our own borders? It bears the stench of villainy! Neron is a traitor born of the devil!

"By his treasonous blockade of Kingspass, he has forsaken Brecken to our enemy. King Axel is no fool. He will be informed of the situation and he will attack soon. Without the reinforcements from King's town, Brecken will be an easy target and when Brecken falls, the kingdom will soon follow."

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