Chapter 46

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In the forest at the edge of the road where the old trail leads off to the Abbey, Gil and Gwyn make ready for their last night from home.

Gwyn and Robin had spent many nights sleeping on the ground or the stone floors of the kitchen after they left the farm. She was glad for it. As uncomfortable as it was, she was usually so completely exhausted from the day's labors that it mattered not where she slept. And thinking upon it, she knew that as a soldier, Gil had no doubt slept under much worse conditions.

"At least we no longer need fear freezing in the night. It is chilled, but not unbearable." Gwyn commented as she looked around for the best place to look for suitable boughs.

"Aye. Summer is soon to be upon us." Gil sighed and something in his manner made Gwyn pause.

He was there, with his hands upon the buckles, but she saw in his eyes that he was some other place, and in some other time. She waited for a heartbeat or two, expecting him to continue. With another sigh, he began to work the buckle, but said nothing.

With a shrug, Gwyn turned away only to stop again ere she took three steps.

"It has been a year and a half since I last saw my own bed in the garrison..." His voice and expression were doleful. The last words were spoken softly, akin to the reverent whispers of a church as they trailed off in a sigh. "And like to be much longer..."

Gwyn understood. She was happy enough being with Erec, especially now that she had her babies with her once more. Frowning, Gwyn recalled a comment Gil had made to Cameron.

"Did you mean what you told Sir Cameron about not fighting again?" she asked.

"Sadly, I spoke true. I know not what my future will bring, save that I shall never return to duty in the king's royal guard. I doubt I shall ever fight again. Sooth, I could not imagine any Lord willing to pay wages for a lame soldier."

"You fought well enough when we were ambushed."

"That was a different matter. And I was fighting not only for my own life, but to protect little Sofi. Aside, Rin handled two in the time I fought the one."

"You cannot..."

"And you fought two at once whilst I was groping much longer than should be with the one."

"Gil, you took the biggest and strongest of the lot. And I do not think..."

"It is of no consequence. I have been thinking on this and I am of a mind to find myself a good Lord and a bit of land and settle myself into the life of farming and family."

"Will you leave us then?"

"Nay. I shall stay with Erec until I am no longer needed. He is a knight like no other I have known and I am honored that he accepts my service."

"More than accepts your service, Gil. Erec values your service. Sooth, he would not be alive yet were it not for you and the others. I do also. Were it not for you, I would not have my children, or..."

"It is little enough." Gil smiled. "Erec saved my life, so mayhap I have paid my debt. Although, it matters little now. Our King is in peril...nay, our entire kingdom. King Axel has spies deep in our midst wreaking what troubles only the Lord above knows. And now to learn of the treachery in the king's own house..."

Gwyn's heart was heavy. She knew that Gil spoke the truth. And she knew that Erec would fight down to his very last breath to preserve the crown. Gwyn frowned.

A crown worn by a man that deserved neither the crown nor such devotion.

"Truly we should press on." Gil yawned and gave her a tired smile. "But alas, this..." he patted the mule, " not one in a column of marching soldiers, so I cannot sleep in the saddle. Aside, our little friend here has much more of a burden to carry than myself alone, and there is your comfort to consider." He shrugged. "And if I am truthful..." he yawned again.

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