Chapter 39

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"That is the strange thing. At first, no one seemed to know what to believe. There were so many reports and rumors. Traitor. Hero. Coward. Loyal to death. But then there were men in the pubs and in the streets. They shouted that Lord Erec was murdered. They accused the king of looting villages and selling our sons as slaves. They shouted all sorts of vile things and..."

"And the people started to believe."

"Aye." Berk shook his head. "I and the rest of Lord Erec's men never doubted for a minute that he died loyal to the crown. Erec was a valiant warrior and no man was ever so true to his oath."

"Not even King Arthur and his twelve knights?"

"Well now, I couldna say. I didna know any of them...did you?"

"Nay." Gil laughed. "I canna say that I did."

Gwyn stayed silent through the exchange. Murder and riots. Things did not seem to be going so well for the king within the kingdom either. A knot turned in her stomach. Spies in their midst. Enemies attacking from the north. Enemies attacking from the east and now...

Now it seemed there were subjects of his majesty turning the people against the crown from right outside the castle gates. She wondered that the king did not do something to stop it, but then thought better of it. He could not be seen jailing his subjects after being accused of murdering their Champion. They would tear down the walls, storm the castle and put his head on a spike!

No, the king could only bar himself inside and hope that the people would grow tired of spending their days yelling into the empty air and return to their homes and their families. But that might take...too long. While the king was hiding from the mobs outside his gates, his enemies gathered. If word of the unrest reached his enemies...nothing would stop their attack!

"We must hurry." Gwyn said suddenly.

"Aye." Berk nodded. "And we are. But there is a right way and a wrong way. Do this the wrong way and you wind up dead like yesterday's pork stew. On the morrow I shall take you and the lass to the market. Wander around. Taste the wares, and try to enjoy the day. I will take Gilbert here to meet a friend of mine. When we meet up for the midday meal, I will have news."

"And then we shall know what to do?"

"Aye lass."

"Then I shall try to be patient, though my heart pounds and I fear that we shall be too late."

"All we can do is the best that we can do. Why do you not try to rest a bit? There are a few hours together before we stop."

Gwyn nodded and rested her head upon Gil's shoulder, wondering if he minded too terribly being a pillow for her and Sofi. When Gil slouched to be more accommodating to her, she smiled and hugged his arm.

"Thank you, Gil." She sighed, more tired than she thought.

As she drifted to sleep, she thought she felt the press of his lips against her hair as he whispered, "Anything for you, my dear."

"Erec" she sighed on her last breath before sleep claimed her.


The first thing that struck Gwyndolyn as they neared Kingstown was the glow of the light. They were able to see the outlines of the village long before they reached it. And though the hour was late there were many people about in the streets. Berk expertly moved them through and dropped them off at the inn.

"The innkeeper is a friend. Tell him I am your brother, Mary. You will get a room even if he has to oust someone first."

"I hardly wish to oust someone from their room in the middle of the evening, but I will do as you say." She smiled as she felt Gil's hand on the small of her back guiding her forward as she carried Sofi.

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