Chapter 11

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"Robin!" she stopped as he pulled his hand loose and stooped to look at something nearby. "There is no time to stop and look for treasures! We need to get deeper into the wood."

"In a moment." He said as he ran away from her.

She was about to give chase and threaten to tan his hide when he stopped and began digging at something in the dirt. Her temper was deflated in an instant when he stood up suddenly and displayed his treasure triumphantly. Lord bless him, it was a cup. It must have been cast off or lost by some traveler upon this road.

"Good boy!" she cheered. Finally, a reason to be grateful for his unstoppable curiosity. "Now, we need to cover the hole with leaves and things to hide that we were here in case they come back."

"It will rain tonight. Father said it would rain soon, and it was very cold today. The rain will wash away our tracks." He asserted as he started toward the nearest tree to grab up some of the fallen debris around it.

Gwyndolyn barely refrained from rolling her eyes and groaning.

This was not the time to be worried about Father's predictions...or was it.

She stopped in her tracks as an idea struck. Scurrying to Robin's side, she helped him hide the evidence of their digging. As before, they used a branch to sweep away their tracks and sprinkled leaves and bits of dirt over the area as they receded.

It was not a perfect disguise, but it would do.

"Rob," she began, "We need to get further into the wood and make a hideaway. I do not know if it will rain tonight, but I have no wish to be cold, tired, thirsty, hungry AND wet. If it does rain, we shall be tucked safely away in our dry place."

"We have to wait until morning anyway." He frowned as he looked around.

"What is it?" She asked. "What do you see?"

"Nothing." His frown deepened.

"What is the problem then?"

"That is the problem!" he tossed his hands up and she was reminded of Jackson's frustration with Oliver earlier. She smiled wryly at his antics.

"Pretend I am Oliver, and explain it to me." She chuckled.

He smiled then and shrugged. "Nothing to explain, except there is nothing to eat. Travelers along the road must have taken it all as they passed."

"Perhaps." She shrugged. "Or perhaps they disliked traveling in the darkness of the wood and moved as quickly as possible through this part of the road. Perhaps if we look carefully, we shall find something to eat as we search for a hideaway."

"Hmm." He shrugged and they resumed their search for a good place to hideaway.

"You know something?" Robin said as he discovered a small berry bush and a few berries the animals had not yet taken. He risked the sharp thorns to get to them. "Jordan was right. You are smart...for a girl."

Laughter bubbled and burst before she could stop it. Clamping a hand over her mouth, she swallowed the mirth as she looked around. They needed to stay quiet. Ignoring the sting of the thorns, she snagged a few of the berries and popped them in her mouth.

Absolutely divine, she thought as her eyes closed and a moan of pleasure escaped.

"Quickly, hand me the cup." Her hand shot out suddenly, palm up, fingers wiggling as her eyes popped open.

Kneeling, she used her the hem of her skirt to clean out the cup as best she could manage without water. It was a horn cup and it was cracked, which is probably why it was cast off. But it was better than no cup at all.

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