"Absolutely not we are finding you a dress." Em says I looking through the racks of dresses. 

"Holy shit guys I think I found it." Aspen announces holding up the most gorgeous dress I've ever seen. 


Putting on my finishing touches, I rush to the door to get it for West. Opening the door I see him standing in a black tux with a white button shirt underneath, with a tie in his hand. 

"Help-" He cuts himself off, his eyes sweeping over my body. I decided to go with a black dress with two slits on the side and a v-neck cut, exposing my whole back. 

His eyes continued to roam my body, 

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His eyes continued to roam my body, 

"You look gorgeous Briar." He finally manages to make eye contact with me again. 

"What were you saying before you check me out?"I questions. 

Teasingly he answered,"You did some checking out yourself didn't you angel?" 

It's true, I did. The suit fit his body perfectly, showing off his defined body. Instead of answering I reach up and kiss him.  

Pulling away he begins his questions again, "I need help with my tie." 

"Luckily for you I'm an expert at doing ties." I grab the black tie from his and begin putting it on him, fixing it. 

I can feel his eyes burning through me, silently observing me. Finishing his tie, I look up at him meeting his gaze. He looks at me in complete adoration. I really fucking love him. 

What a minute-

Nope I can't love him its too early.

Maybe. But me and my self consciouses ass isn't saying the L-word first. 

His kissing me again this time, deeply. I pull away this time, "We are going to be late West." 

"Ok but-" He begins before I cut him off,

"Nope no butts lets go mister." I say heading out the door hand in hand with him. 


In the car ride to the venue, West breaks down what it is. He tells me about the red carpet and how we will have to pose for some pictures. 

West ended up getting a limo, and the car pulls up to the venue and its beautiful. The red carpet is already full of players and flashing lights from the photos. Grabbing my hand and squeezing it he asks, "You ready?" 

"Ready as I'll ever be." I say smiling kissing his hand. West gets out out his side of the car before moving to mind and opening the door, helping me out. We keep out hands connected the entire time on the red carpet. The blinding lights begin to give me a headache but we make in inside in under 5 minutes. The venue is even more beautiful on the inside than it is on the outside. 

Walking inside, West hooks my arm around his whispering in the ear, "The man coming up to us is my father." Holy shit holy shit. 

"West" I whisper shout, "I'm meeting your father and you forgot to tell me." 

"And my grandfather," He winks at me. 

This man. 

"Hey dad," West says to a man that looks just like West, only a few inches shorter with more gray hairs, "This is my girlfriend Briar."' 

Holding my hand out to shake his, "Hi Mr. Grey its nice to meet you." Shaking it back he laughs, 

"No need for the formalities, call me Andy." I can't laugh not now. We shake hands and my eyes move to West's grandfather. He is the same height as Andy, and in still in great shape for his age. 

"Grandpa this is Briar, Briar my grandpa also known as Mr. Grey," I hold my hand out to shake his and Mr.Grey just stares at it before looking at me... judging me? 

He looks at my hands like I fucking pissed on it and then asked to shake his hand.

Retreating my hand, "Its nice to meet you, if you excuse me I'm going to go to the ladies room." I rush out of that conversation, finding the washroom quickly. My cheeks are flushed from embarrassment. 

What did I do? I look at myself in the mirror, did he see all my flaws too? I quickly wash my hands under cold water putting some on paper towel and dabbing my neck. 

Whenever I get embarrassed, I tend to sweat and right now I did not need that. I head out of the bathroom trying to find West and there he eyes leaning up against the wall talking to and older looking man. As if he can feel my starring, he turns his head and makes direct eye contact with me. 

He excuses himself and begins walking over to me, and I walk over to him. We we finally meet each other, the song, "Turning Pages begins to play,

"Can I have this dance," He asks, hiding my smirk I take the hand his gave to me and let him lead me to the dance floor. 

We begins slow dancing, which he is very good at, what the fuck isn't this man good at? 

"I'm sorry about my grandfather." He says wrapping his hands around my lower back. I wrap my arms around his neck, giving him a kiss, 

"It's ok, it's not your fault." It really isn't and I don't want to cause any strain between West and Mr. Grey. 

"Briar my grandfather-" He begins, 

"West, it's ok." I don't want him stressing. With that we drop the conversation and continue swaying in each others arms. 

For the rest of the night we mingle with different people until it's time for us to head back home. 


West walks me to my door, "Are you sure you can't come over." 

I wish I could but I have early classes tomorrow I can't miss, "Next time ok?" I promise to him kissing him before saying our goodbyes. 

Inside the apartment both Aspen and Em are both on the couch on their phones. I walk inside my room quickly changing out of my clothes into my pjs. Heading back out of my room, both Aspen and Emerson haven't moved. 

"Guys" I start warily. 

"Have you seen this Bri?" Aspen questions. 

I am immediately confused, "Seen what?" 

"Where's your phone?" Em now questions.

"Dead why you guys are making me nervous." What is up with them. 

Em and Aspen both give each other a look I can't decipher. 

I know I should be more patient, but I want to now why they are acting so fucking weird, so I snatch Aspens phone out of her hands and when I see whats on the screen, 

My heart drops. 

Authors Note:


I love cliffhangers. I'm trying to upload promise but like previously said, I've been busy. 

Don't be a silent reader.

I made a tiktok account for this story so if you want to get a closer insight on some of the characters the @ is @donotsnitchpls1

As always constructive criticism is welcome but this is my first story so it isn't going to be perfect<33

Semi Edited. 

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