Not to mention the fact while she really didn't like Shane all the much she was pretty sure he knew at least a bit about how dangerous the world was now considering he had been a police officer before this whole world had turned to hell; so he would have at least a clue about the dangers that were out in the open. Or at least Harry hoped he did, a hope that was slowly being whittled away the more time she was forced to be around him.

But back to the two brothers, she felt the fact they were one of those that were most prepared for this world. And this really showed with how they reacted to, well nearly everything that was going on now.

Not that Harry was going to say anything or make a point to tell them this. She knew that actually doing so would only cause more drama as she felt the group around her would just argue again on what she said. Something she really didn't want to put up with not when she really didn't know this group much.

Having had literally only stumbled onto them a couple of days ago. Or to be more precise she had walked in the clearing they had made camp in. Wondering why such a large group was out in the open like they all were.

Especially since it was open to attack on nearly all sides, besides having a lake at their backs. Not to mention the fact that if they had gone a little further down, or closer to the lake that was guarding their backs, they would have had at least a little more cover than they currently did.

But what had happened since she had wondered into this group, was the fact Harry had spent a good deal of time doing, when she wasn't hunting, watching for walkers, or making sure all her weapons and supplies were in good condition, was watching them. Seeing how they reacted to everything, learning what she could about them from said reaction.

Observing all of them to see just what made them tick. Similar to how she did all her live at her so-called family home and only improved upon during the war. Something that had saved both her life and the lives of those she had cared about more time then she could count. And something Harry wasn't going to stop doing anytime soon either.

What she was trying to do, was see if she should stick around here or not. She wanted to see if these were people she actually wanted to risk her life, or sanity for. At the same time, she knew it wasn't like she had anything to lose or gain from staying. Not in the long run, and not when you considered the fact, she didn't really know anyone in the group she was currently part of.

Seeing as everyone else she cared about had already been slowly killed off by the war that had just ended and those that lived, well they weren't talking to her for several different reason. Reason that made is so she couldn't find it in her to actually give a shit about them; not after everything they tried to pull.

Even with everything that was currently go on she still couldn't bring herself to even care about what they could be doing. Like she told them before she left, they could all eat shit and die for all she cared. And considering what was going on something very similar to that could happen or maybe even already did happen.

As of right now, the only reason she had been staying was she currently was, was because when she had first arrived the very first things, she saw was the kids they had. And despite how hard she acted at time, Harry always had a soft spot for kids. But only the kids, and as of right now the rest of the adult, bare a small few, were starting to get on her nerves with just how much drama they continued to pull.

Like right now Lori, one of the women from the group. Who reminded Harry somewhat nastily of her not so dear Aunt, was going on about how the women around the camp would clean up and do the laundry for the men; the lady-like chores she called them.

This almost made Harry want to scream at her, to get more with the times and to possibly get her grow up; to see woman could do just as much as a man. Could be just as bad for that matters as well; just as evil as any man could get.

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