Chapter 1

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Summary- All her life Harry, short for Harriette, had always been one of the boys and nothing was really going to stop that. Not even a Zombie apocalypse. So, what if the group she was currently in was under the mistaken perception that she was actually a male. After all, considering all that was going around them did it really matter? Fem!Harry

Disclaimer- I do not own Harry Potter or the Walking dead nor do I make money off of either one of them.

Chapter one

Harry, call me by my full name and die, Potter was currently finding herself rather confused and bewildered in a, is this really happening sort of way. Not because of the Zombie apocalypse that was currently going on though.

No, that had left her horrified when she had first found out just what was going on. And then after a bit of time had found herself reluctantly accepted it in a yeah this is just my kind of luck, kind of way.

Something which happened after she had seen one of her neighbors, that she really didn't like because said neighbor continued trying to get Harry to act more feminine and kept calling her by her full name despite Harry's protest against it, get torn apart by another Zombie.

Something she would never wish on the elder lady no matter how much she got annoyed at her at times. As despite the fact she had continued to try to change Harry it hadn't been in a malicious sort of way.

That day had ended up reminding Harry horrible of the war; something she had managed to avoid pretty well up until then. And it was causing memories she had been trying to suppress, of the werewolves on Voldemort's side ripping people part, to start once more; causing her to wake up from nightmares yet again.

Which since the whole world seem to turn into a living nightmare it really wasn't something that wasn't expected. In fact, on those night's she had woken up barely stopping herself from screaming from the memories she had, Harry could say she should have almost expected something like this to happen; as it had gotten too peaceful for her lately.

Still what got the now almost twenty-year-old witch feeling that way she was. Was the fact, that despite the fact the dead were raising up all around them and trying to eat them, the group she had found herself with, and the group she was still debating if she was going to stay with, still had its share of unneeded drama over pretty much everything.

Even the most utterly useless things to have drama over, things that considering just what was going on now really shouldn't even matter now. Hell, they really hadn't mattered all that much before the world had gone to hell. So, Harry couldn't see why this group made them matter so much now.

Perhaps Harry, was being overly harsh on the group in question. After all, before all of this happened, she was sure that nearly everyone in the group had led a relatively normal life. Never really having to fight for anything, let along to be able to survive. Hell, the majority of them most likely never had been at risk for a major injury most their life, let alone the threat of a painful death that now hung over them like a malicious cloud.

Unlike her, she was sure they hadn't just recently finished a blood war. One that they had been up front and center in, nor did she think that they then had to deal with all the after math of said war.

And unlike her, they still weren't used to fighting with everything they had, nor where they used to a kill or be killed world like she had been forced to be...well at least most of them weren't. Harry was sure the two hunters of the group, a Daryl and Merle were pretty used to being in a kill or be killed world, and knew how to survive, but she wasn't so sure about the others.

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