Trouble at Budew Drop Inn

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After my talk with Kabu at the Café, I used the rest of the day to explore the town and visit the Wild Area.

It's currently nighttime, and I'm making my way back to Budew Drop Inn to sleep.

When I enter, I am greeted with Sonia observing a knight statue at the hotel's lobby.

She notices me and starts a conversation.

Sonia: "Hey Y/N! Didn't expect to see you here."

Y/N: "Hey Sonia. Well, I live here, so it's pretty normal, right?"

Sonia: *giggle* "That's...a good point."

Y/N: "Yeah, so how's it going?"

Sonia: "I'm pretty well, I decided to really take a dive into what you and grandma said."

Y/N: "Oh, really? That's cool."

Sonia: "Thank you. I'm looking into the history of Galar, searching for possible clues, and that's why I'm here, looking at the statue."

Y/N: "Oh?"

Sonia: "The knight statue behind me, holding a sword and a shield, was actually the hero that saved Galar many years ago."

Y/N: "I see..."

Sonia: "Mind if I tell you the history of the region, so you can catch up with my train of thought?"

Y/N: "Normally I would reply yes, but I'll have to refuse it today Sonia. I'm kind of really tired today, and tomorrow is a big day and all..."

Sonia: "Oh, I see...maybe during another time." She replies in a disappointed tone.

Victor: "Hey! Stop blocking the way! There are people trying to check in, you know?" I hear a familiar voice say.

???: "Shut it, pipsqueak! We need to find our only Challenger! She's way more important than this!" Replies a male, aggressive voice.

We both look up, worried about the commotion going on upstairs, so I decided to see what was going on.

When I get upstairs, I see Victor, glaring at some punk-rock dressed guys, that were blocking the reception desk.

???1: "Didn't we tell you to get out of our way, pipsqueak?! You get into Team Yells way, you're in for a battle!" Replies one of the punk-rock dudes.

Y/N: "Team Yell?"

I decided to step in, before it evolves into anything too dangerous.

Y/N: "What's going on over here?!" I ask, in an authoritative tone.

???2: "It doesn't involve you, mate! Our fight's with the pipsqueak here, not you!" Replies one of the female grunts.

Y/N: "What I see is a bunch of weirdos causing a ruckus at a place full of people. If you're not checking in, I suggest that you leave."

???1: "And who do ya think you are to tell us what to do."

Then another familiar voice enters the fray.

Hop: "Hey Vic, hey Y/N. What's going on? Getting into Pokemon Battles without me, Vic?"

This gets me an idea.

Y/N: "Hey Hop, good timing. These weirdos are causing a commotion and harassing the other Challengers, care to help us teach these guys a lesson?"

Hop: "Of course!"

Y/N: "Good. You and Vic can take care of these two loudmouths here. I'll take care of the other two."

Victor: "Can you do it?"

Ice Punch (Bea x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now