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After that incident with Victor and Hop, I headed back to Wedgehurst, to meet up with Leon and Hop. When I got there, I found Leon waiting by the front of the Lab, but Hop was nowhere to be seen.

Y/N: "Hey Leon." I greet.

Leon: "Oh, hi there Y/N! How was your conversation with Victor?" He responds, smiling.

Y/N: "I think it was good, I think he got the message." I say, leaning against the wall.

Leon: "Good to know. I think you are a good influence on him; he seems more comfortable around you than me."

Y/N: "You think so?"

Leon: "Yeah, I know it!"

Y/N: "I, where's Hop? He didn't get lost again, did he?"

Leon: "No he's fine, he already got his Pokedéx and he ran off walk around the town."

Y/N: "Right."

Then, someone approaches us, a familiar boy, with red polo and gray beanie.

Y/N: "Oh, hey boy, you made it." I say to him.

Victor: "Yeah, I just took some time because my mom was giving me another earful." He responds, rubbing his nape.

Leon: "Glad to see you made it too, young Victor! You did better far better than I did my first time. I am hopeless with directions."

Y/N: "Wow. You said it was bad, but I didn't know it was THAT bad!" I say to Leon, chucking.

Leon: "Thankfully Charizard now is always there to help me out, otherwise, I would still be stuck in Motostoke, trying to find the inn!"

Y/N: "I fell you, in my hometown, every time it was hot, Glaceon let me use his cold body to relieve myself from the heat."

Victor: "Really? In your Home Region is it very hot?" Victor asks me.

Y/N: "No, just some days it's very hot, but I find odd that near my hometown, there is a cave called Shoal Cave, and the lower floors are made of pure ice! But even on the hottest days, the ice would not melt a drop! I still wonder how was that possible to be honest."

Victor: "Sounds like a really cool place!" Victor says, with excitement.

Y/N: "Yeah, indeed it was. But enough about me; we're here for a reason; so...after you guys." I say, opening the lab's door.

After we got in, I noticed Victor looking around the lab, amazed, like a kid in a candy store.

Y/N: "Enjoying the view?" I ask him, while brushing his hair.

Victor: "Of course! This place is incredible!"

Leon: *chuckle*"Yeah, you gotta give to Professor Magnolia. Everything here looks fascinating..."

We are interrupted by a familiar sound.

???: "Bow wark!"

We look down to see Sonia's Yamper looking to us.

Y/N: "Hello again buddy, did you miss me?" I ask, in a playful tone, while playing with the corgi Pokemon.

Sonia: "Looking for info on another never-seen-before, superstrong Pokemon, Leon?" Sonia asks from upstairs.

Y/N: "Hello again!" I say to Sonia in a cheerful tone.

Sonia: "Good to see you again Y/N." Sonia says, going down the stairs to greet us.

While that is happening, Yamper begins playing with Leon.

Leon: "Good to see you too, Yamper."

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