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After the dinner, I left the house and began making my way back to Motostoke. That's when a figure lit by moonlight caught my attention. Sitting on the short wall by the entrance of the house was Victor, looking up to the stary sky. I decided to approach him and check on him.

Y/N: "Hey Vic."

Victor: "Hey..." He replied in a sad tone.

Y/N: "You okay?"

Victor: "Yeah, I'm fine..."

Y/N: "You don't sound fine to me." I reply.

I take a seat next to him on the fence.

Y/N: "Want someone to talk about it?"

Victor: *sigh*"You're not leaving until I do it, right?"

Y/N: "Nope."

Victor: "Right...I am still thinking about that loss."

Y/N: "So, how are you feeling about it?"

Victor: "I feel kinda worthless if you ask me..."

Y/N: "Why so?"

Victor: "I feel like I let you and Leon down. I always wanted to explore the world and go on a journey. But if I can't win a single battle, how can I expect to do anything?" He asks me, his eyes tearing up a bit.

My heart broke seeing this scene, it was like looking at a mirror from me a few weeks back.

Y/N: "Hey...c'mon now, don't say that; you know it's not true, man."

Victor: "But I let you down. I know you had high expectations on me; and I failed you."

Y/N: "You're right about the part that I had expectations on you..." I start.

In response he looks down to the ground, almost ashamed like.

Y/N: "...but who said I gave up on you?"

Victor: "Huh?" He asks, looking up to me.

Y/N: "I had greats expectations on you because you have a really similar background to mine; and after that battle with Hop, these expectations grew even more. You showed me you are an extraordinary Trainer. In that battle you showed me you had a spark that could become a flame of a fighting spirit that can burn brightly, even if you were in a disadvantage."

Victor: "Really? How are we similar?"

Y/N: "Remember when I said that 'Some...things happened back at home' and how it resulted me in becoming a Gym Leader here in Galar?"

Victor: "Looking back well...yes, I remember."

Y/N: "A few weeks back, I had the chance to take down on the Hoenn Champion Steven; but when I got there, I lost pretty badly, and it really affected me. I felt like I let those who believed me down; I felt sad, frustrated and ashamed of myself. Exactly how you must be feeling right now, am I right?"

Victor just stand there speechless, but judging by his expression, he confirmed his feelings.

Y/N: "But someone who had their beliefs in me saw me in that state and she saw on me, something that wasn't worth just throwing it aside and let it fade, she saw my potential and knew that if I could get up, I could become something special. And that's what I am doing now." I say, remembering Glacia and how she helped me.

Victor: "But you saw what happened. I can't participate of the Gym Challenges without an Endorsement Letter."

That's when a idea pop in my head.

I retrieve my Letter from my pocket and show it at Victor.

Y/N: "Who said it needed to be a letter from the Champion?"

Victor: "Y/N? Are you sure?" He asks, extending a hand towards the envelope in my hands.

Y/N: "Under ONE condition I will give you this." I say, putting the letter back into my pocket.

Victor: "A-and what's the condition?"

I retrieve a Pokeball from my pocket.

Y/N: "Battle me if you want this letter." I replied, confident.

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