Welcome to Galar

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It's been two days since Glacia's proposal, and now, I'm making the final preparations on my stuff. Yesterday I called Glacia and confirmed that I would accept it, and she gave me more information, she told me that her friend's name is Kabu, and that he is/was the Leader of a city called Motostoke. She even paid for my ticket on SS. Tidal, so I could travel to Galar.

Timeskip (End of the trip)

After getting on board the SS. Tidal in Slateport, I arrived at the port of a seaside town, I'm standing by the docks, completely lost, until a brown skinned woman with black and blue hair came over to me and snapped me out of my thoughts.

???: "Excuse me, are you Y/N, from the Hoenn region?"

Y/N: "Uh... yes, that would be me. Why the question?"

Nessa: "I am Nessa, the Water-Type Gym Leader of Galar. Kabu sent me to come and get you and take you to Motostoke."

Y/N: "Oh, right, nice to meet you Nessa *we begin walking around the city while talking*, but since this isn't Motostoke, where are we?"

Nessa: "We are in Hulbury, a coastal city of which I am the Gym Leader; this is why he chose me to get you."

Y/N: "I understand."

As we are walking, out of the corner of my eye, I see a giant blue stadium with a symbol that looks like a water drop.

Y/N: "Uh... just a question, since you know the city, what is that giant building right there?" I say, pointing at the stadium.

Nessa: "That's Hulbury Stadium, the stadiums are where the Gym Leader battle at against the challengers, every city with a Gym Leader has one of this."

Y/N: "I see."

Nessa: "So, getting back to business, I will escort you to Motostoke, but if you want to know so you can travel by yourself, you can use the Corviknight Taxi or the train station to get there, but we are going through the Galar Mine No. 2, so you gotta be careful with the Pokemon inside."

Y/N: "Right, I come two Pokemon with me, so maybe this won't be a problem, I guess."

Nessa: "Oh yeah, I forgot to ask, which Pokemon do you have with you, Kabu only told me that you only got two Pokemon."

Y/N: "Yeah, I got with me my two trustworthy partners, Glaceon and Froslass."

Nessa: "Wow, with only two partners you and had the chance to challenge the champion, that's really impressive!"

Y/N: "Yeah.... the champion" I say looking away, sad.

We then got into the Mines; it was a purplish colored cave, full of crystals on the walls and lots of lakes, with lots of Pokemon that I never saw before. I got to see so many new Pokemon, and I looked like a kid in a candy store.

Nessa: *giggles* "You look really happy."

Y/N: "How could I not? I am having the chance to see so many different types of Pokemon that I never saw before, and they all look so interesting and unique."

Nessa: "You seem to like watching Pokemons in the wild a lot."

Y/N: "Yeah, that's true, my mom is a scientist back at home, and sometimes, she would take me together in her field research."

Nessa: "Wow. You and your mom should get along so she can take you with her on her research."

I look down to the floor sad.

Y/N: *sigh* "I wish, there weren't many times where she would take me, and in those times, it was because there was no one to take care of me, when I was younger."

She then looks at me, concerned.

Y/N: "Me and my mother never talked too much, she was normally so busy with work and barely had time for me..."

Nessa: "What about your dad?"

Y/N: "My dad passed away when I was 6. My Eevee was my only companion since then. It was a lonely childhood, but I got through it."

Nessa: "Oh, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to get in a touchy subject."

Y/N: *looking up* "It's okay, you didn't know, but don't get me wrong, I had good moments in my childhood, and I don't feel angry because of my mom's action, she was doing what she needed to do, and I still love and care about her. Plus, in one of the field trips she took me, I ended up catching one of my partners, Froslass, and evolved Eevee into Glaceon."

Nessa: "I see, but even so, I'm sorry."

I was about to say something, but then, at the corner of my eye, I saw a red and white "circle" on the ground.

I begin walking into it's direction, but then, I hear a yell.


She runs up to me, and push me aside and I fall flat on my butt. The "circle" then reveals its real form; a bear trap shaped Pokemon.

Nessa throws out a pokeball.

Nessa: "GO! Drednaw!"

Out of the pokeball, it comes out a tortoise looking Pokemon.

The bear trap Pokemon begins charging at Nessa.

Nessa: "Drednaw, use Headbutt to knock him away!"

Her Pokemon does just that, and the "bear trap" is thrown against the wall.

Nessa: "Now finish it with Scald."

The tortoise proceeds to open its mouth and launch a jet of boiling water into the "trap" and it faints.

I just watched the scene that just happened in front of me, trying to process the information.

Y/N: "What was that?!"

Nessa: "That's a Stunfisk, these Pokemon live in the caves and try to attack people and Pokemon who gets too near them." She says, retrieving her Pokemon back into the pokeball.

Y/N: "Wow. Thanks."

Nessa: "You're welcome, we should get going, it's getting late."


We then, finally arrive at Motostoke. Motostoke was different of what I expected, it's a big city full of chimneys and factories.

Nessa: "I will drop you at the Budew Drop Inn, where the League Staff booked you a room, be sure to get some rest, tomorrow morning, Kabu will wake you up and talk with you and help you get settled."

Y/N: "Alright, thank you, Nessa, I will see you around, I guess."

Nessa: "Bye."

I got into the room, dropped my stuff, washed myself and laid on the bed, staring at the celling.

Y/N: "Tomorrow is the day, huh...I hope it goes well" I mumble to myself.

Then, I close my eyes, and fall asleep.

Ice Punch (Bea x Male Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя