Professor Magnolia

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(Art made by Parody-of-Eve on DeviantArt)


I manage to find my way to the professor's house, where I found Leon alongside an elder woman, with a cane that the tip was shaped like a bird. I decided to approach them.

Leon: "Oh, there he is. He's the one that we were talking about, Professor." Leon says to the elder woman, who according to Leon's response, was the Pokemon Professor.

Professor: "So you must be Y/N, isn't that right? It is a pleasure meeting you. My name is Magnolia, and I am the Pokemon Professor of the region." She says to me offering her hand.

Y/N: "Yes that would be me. The pleasure is all mine, Professor Magnolia." I respond accepting her handshake.

Magnolia: "So, dear, how is your experience in Galar so far?" She asks me.

Y/N: "Even though I've been here for just a week; I am definitely enjoying it Professor, thanks for asking!" I respond cheerfully.

Leon: "You know Y/N, there are lots of places that you should visit and things you should do. Like visiting the Battle Cafés or making curry alongside your friends."

Y/N: "Sounds like fun things to do. Maybe one day I'll do it."

Leon: "No worries Y/N, I know that you are a Gym Leader and such, but sometimes you can take a day off to do these things; but the postcard from Galar definitely are the Gym battles Y/N, mainly with the Dynamax."

Y/N: "Dynamax? What is this?" I ask, completely clueless.

Leon: "The Dynamax Phenomenon. Something that happens during the battles on stadiums that Pokemons change their form while in battle."

Y/N: " evolving?"

Leon: "Wait, you don't know what the Dynamax is?"

Y/N: "Yeah, no...Before coming to Galar, I only searched climate related things; about some Pokemons that live in other regions not being able to survive in here. Sorry if this is really important to the people in here, but unfortunately I have no clue of what this is."

Magnolia: "No worries young Y/N, allow me to explain, the Dynamax Phenomenon is an event that happens involving unique stones called the Wishing Stars. These stones possess an interesting power, that if combined with a power from the places called the Power Spots, they release their energy, making the Pokemons alter their size, growing into a gigantic level."

Y/N: "Pokemons growing into gigantic size?"

Leon: "So have you unraveled all the secrets of the Dynamax Phenomenon yet, Professor?" Leon asks the elder woman.

Magnolia: "Oh goodness, no. The whole thing is still full of mysteries."

Y/N: "I would have guessed it, this whole thing sounds really complicated for me, to be honest." I respond, scratching my head.

Magnolia: "Yes, make it happen is easy, but understanding it is more complicated. I was hoping that my granddaughter would take over my research, but..."

As she was talking, we noticed two figures approaching us. We looked over to see Victor and Hop approaching the both of us.

Y/N: "Hey there boys, what's up?"

Hop: "Hey there, mister Y/N!"

Magnolia: "Dear me, I didn't even notice my guests!"

The professor took a few steps forward towards the boys.

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