"Beg me not to take you in front of all these fucking people," he whispered, tightening his grip around her neck.
Her breath hitched, unable to say anything to him. She felt his fingers dance their way up to her thigh before trickling towards the yo...
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evangeline's pov.
. . . . . ╰──╮╭──╯ . . . . .
Daddy has been bed-bound since last night. It's kind of scaring me, but he keeps reassuring me that it's just a cold from being outside yesterday. I don't believe him, it was definitely a curse from that witch! Whatever she did, she's going to pay for it somehow. Maybe I'll unleash Luna and Emily on her, like actually, and maybe she'll um, leave.
I was brought out of my plan when I heard my phone ringing. Daddy looked over to me with his red, puffy eyes and I shooed him to go back to bed, "I'll, um, get it!"
I walked over to the end table, and I wish I didn't. I froze. My hand slapped around my mouth when I read the caller ID. Oh my god, Connor! Connor's calling me! I grabbed the phone, debating whether or not I should pick up. What was he going to say if I did, would he be mad for not staying in touch. Maybe I should ignore it, and pretend he doesn't exist?
"Is everything okay?" I heard daddy's hoarse voice. I looked at him, disapprovingly since he had a sore throat, "D-don't talk! You're going to um, strain your voice," I scolded, part of me is glad that he's sick, that means I can do anything I want like braiding his hair and stuff!
By the time I remembered that Connor was calling, the ringtone was already fading out. It's 7 am and I'm already stressed. great. I frowned to myself, I don't want to lose Connor though. He's my first ever real friend, maybe even best friend, and he hasn't done anything mean to me. Reluctantly, I put my phone down, wanting to snuggle back down in bed but then the ringing happened again.
With a sigh, I got up from the bed and grabbed my phone again, and headed to the bathroom. I hope the walls are soundproof. Closing the door behind me quietly, I answered the phone, hearing a loud sigh instantly from the other side of the screen.
Can I hang up without being mean?!
"It's been a while."
I didn't realize!
"Why haven't you.. talked to me?" he said slowly.
I remember Elizabeth telling me something about putting your phone on airplane mode and how it'd make it seem like the other person disconnected during awkward phone calls. Maybe I can just-
"Please answer me, E," he sighed again, his voice seeming tired yet soft too.
My mind was racing with things to say, he knows that I hate being the one to start a conversation. He knows how awkward and anti-social I am, why would he ask that? Sure, we've known each other for years, but I prefer knowing a few people at a time.
The less, the better.
"I-I'm sorry Connor- I-I've um, been so busy and stuff with school and, and, and- You know, you know I really don't like being t-the first one to start um, conversations in-person - l-let alone, online! I'm so sorry, I- I haven't found any um, t-time to talk, I um, barely use my phone also b-because I wanna um, focus more on-"
I faked a cough, pretending as though I didn't ramble on well, lies to him. Lying isn't good, I know! But, what would I have said? The truth?
That I may have forgotten about him.
I feel really bad, honestly. I waited for him to talk again, I guess he was just registering his thoughts so I whispered a quiet, "I'm sorry," into the phone.
"It's alright, I guess," he began, his voice suddenly becoming harsh, "I was just-"
I heard the bathroom door slam open and I scrambled to hang up on the call, but instead, I put the phone on speaker. Stupid thumb!
"-worried, you know I care about you. You're one of my-"
I froze again. Daddy looked down at me, raising his eyebrow like he does when he's confused. "Who are you talking to?" I was about to speak but then I heard Connor's voice, protruding out of the screen louder than before.
"I'm Connor."
I immediately hung up. Why would he answer that? And why didn't I hang up before? I looked down at my feet, "D-Daddy, he- he's just a friend!-
-He means nothing to me."
I widened my eyes at the word that just aimlessly left my mouth. I didn't mean that, did I? Daddy went over to the counter and splashed his face with water, the cold droplets ticking my arm. "Well, I hope so. Is he that guy I told you to stay away from?" he asked, groaning when Emily ran into the bathroom.
While Emily played with my toothbrush, I thought for a minute about Nathan. Should I tell him that we should stop being friends? Or should I um, ignore him? Ignoring people isn't nice either but I don't think he'd be happy if I told him.
"No, um, he's just um, a ch-childhood friend," I sighed and daddy nodded, squeezing out moisturizer into the palm of his hand. "Do you want me to get rid of him?"
I looked up at him, confused. 'Get rid of him?' Whatever he meant by that, I shook my head no. It was my fault for not staying in touch with Connor, and I should talk to him more. Obviously, I won't tell him what's actually happening in my life- I'll just lie again.
"Whatever you say," he shrugged, pulling a hyper Emily off his hair and he left the room. I checked my phone, seeing that Connor had messaged me twice.
'Who was that'
'Hello ??????????'
I ignored his first question and quickly tapped away at my phone, 'Sorry that's my school's janitor.' I nearly giggled, picturing daddy mopping up the floors at school. The message was read almost instantly and I saw him typing.
'We still need to talk'
Thank God, he didn't ask any more questions!
'Tomorrow, ok?' I wrote, hoping he would agree and leave it at that.
'Im busy tomorrow, Im free on Thursday'
I'm not sure why he's acting like we're going to be talking for more than 2 hours, I assume we're just gonna catch up not explain every single detail that's been happening ever since. Slightly irritated, I said 'ok.' and closed my phone.
I exited the bathroom, still feeling stressed and what didn't help was the witch prancing around in daddy's room. She looked at me, an obvious look of annoyance evident on her long face.
"Why are you in my Leo's room?"
. . . . . ╰──╮╭──╯ . . . . .
i actually forgot about connor LMFAO
i also published chapter 2 of "his little freak" !!!!