Chapter Forty-Four

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Bucky watched as Rebecca spoke to Mark on her phone as calmly as she could, but he could see through the modulated tone of her voice that she was unnerved with the discovery. As soon as he gave her the hospital tag and the information that they got from the FBI, they called Sam and told him to meet them in San Francisco to talk to Connors themselves, and left for the airport as quickly as they could. He would have wanted for Rebecca to rest after what happened in London – he saw on the news that she was seen fighting off drones with Invincible on the bridge – but they both knew that this was something that cannot wait.

While waiting to board their plane, Rebecca excused herself to make a call, Bucky knew that Rebecca has been in a relationship with her neighbor, Mark Grayson for months now, at first he thought it was more of a sexual relationship, which didn't give him any peace of mind, but after months and months of seeing her and Mark, he now realized that it was more of a stable type one. He knew that he shouldn't meddle with her private life, considering she was already an adult, but he couldn't help but worry that things might not go so well for her and Mark, especially with their lives being too complicated for an average person to grasp. Then again, Mark wasn't an average person, he wasn't even a hundred percent human. Just as they were called to board the plane, Rebecca came back with a guilty look.

"What is it?" Bucky asked.

"I just feel guilty of not telling him personally."

He sighed. "You said it yourself, he knows this lifestyle, he'll understand."

Throughout the long flight, Bucky had Rebecca get some sleep, she refused at first, claiming that she wasn't tired, but then he took her hand. "Stop worrying for a minute, you can do that when we get there. You need sleep, you've been working nonstop for the past couple of days, and you need all the energy you have when we get there."

Rebecca reluctantly slept, she rested her head on Bucky's shoulder and didn't let go of his hand. She woke up three hours later. Arriving in San Francisco, they met up with Sam in the airport, who came just an hour before them. When they went outside, they were greeted by the Agent in charge of the case, and to their surprise, Rebecca was well acquainted with the FBI agent.

"Agent James Woo," Rebecca smiled as she shook Woo's hand.

"When I said "see you around", I meant maybe in the streets, we would casually walk into each other, or maybe have a cup of coffee," Woo said, chuckling. "Guess we're just those types of guys who would only see each other for work."

"We could schedule a good game of softball once in a while, or if you find yourself in New York we could get a pint – by the way, Jimmy, this is Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes – guys, this is Agent James Woo."

"Captain America, Sargent Barnes," Woo shook Sam's hand, then Bucky. "It's an honor."

"How do you know Becky?" Sam asked.

"Well, even before the Blip, Rebecca has been helping the FBI in cases that are too dangerous for agents to engage. We've been on multiple cases together – we worked together on the anomaly in New Jersey months ago," Woo explained. "So, shall we?"

The whole car ride to the detention penitentiary that Connors was kept, Woo asked Rebecca about what happened in London, she gave a broad summary of what happened, keeping classified information, and before he could ask more, she said, "Interpol took jurisdiction on that, so we're kind of cut-off." After that, she asked about what happened with the interrogations, Woo told them about what happened with the other mercenaries involved in the heist. Rebecca was given by Woo the tablet that had the footage of the interrogations with the mercenaries, where before they could even start, the men suddenly started having a seizure and their mouths foaming. It was unknown what caused their deaths.

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