Chapter Fourteen

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Rebecca landed on the ground with a hard thud. Panting, she looked up and saw Ayo waiting for her to get up and stand in position, taking a deep breath, she grabbed her sword and got to her feet once again. For the past couple of days, Rebecca has been with Ayo to learn how to use the flyssa, and just as she thought that HYDRA has created another ultimate assassin who has mastered combat, she was far from it. Ayo was no super-soldier but the Dora Milaje has shown that she was better in battle.

"What did you do wrong?" Ayo asked.

Rebecca took a breath. "I'm fighting someone you?"

Ayo shrugged. "Probably."

Ayo attacked with her spear, Rebecca quickly blocked with her sword throwing it to another direction. She held the flyssa with both hands, blocking all of the attacks, when she tried tripping Ayo to get the upper hand, the warrior disarmed her and flipped her to the ground once again. Rebecca coughed and got up.

"No dirty tricks," said Ayo. She walked around her, observing Rebecca's stance as she took a position with the sword. Her stance whenever she held the weapon was similar to the Japanese when they held their katana, she could see that the girl already had experience with swords, she knew the techniques, the forms – which were all influenced by Japanese martial arts – maybe her time in HYDRA has made her rusty. "You are Japanese, correct?"

"Yes," Rebecca muttered.

Another thing that Ayo noticed, Rebecca's uncertainty in her past. She wasn't exactly sure if it was a factor since she didn't really know anything about Rebecca's past. It was just a theory. Ayo attacked again, and this time, Rebecca clashed her showed with the spear, and when Ayo thrust the spear forward, she extended her arms above her head, holding the blade at the back of her arm to block the spear's attack, and then swung it to a cut at the neck but stopped to prove her point. Ayo smirked at the girl's technique, it was quick, sleek, and efficient. Rebecca did have the training, but she doubted that it was from HYDRA.

Rebecca couldn't help but smile at the realization that she just won a spar for the first time since they started training. The sound of Ayo's kimoyo bead had they stop, the Dora Milaje was called for her duties, cutting their training short.

"We shall continue tomorrow," said Ayo.

Rebecca nodded. "Thank you, for today."

"And Wraith, the only way forward is back."

Rebecca's brows furrowed in confusion at the random advice that Ayo gave her. She didn't get to ask what she meant as the Dora Milaje already left to attend to her duties. As Rebecca returned to the lab, carrying the weapon with her, Ayo's words echoed in her mind; since getting the chip out of her, Rebecca has been remembering more details of her past before HYDRA, but it was all blurry; all she could remember clearly were the times she was placed in a tank filled cold water, Dr. Cain, the Orphanage, the morning exercises in the orphanage.

"How was training?" Shuri's voice pulled her from her reverie.

Rebecca looked up and was surprised that she got to the Shuri's lab without her even knowing. She placed the flyssa on the table with the other weapons and then sat on the stool. "Uh, great, got myself beaten up again by Ayo."

Shuri chuckled. "She is a Dora Milaje, of course she'll kick your ass." Shuri went to scan her body with her kimoyo beads to check for injuries, there was a couple of light bruising but nothing major. "You will live. Your pride might not though."

Rebecca playfully punched her in the shoulder. "You know, HYDRA kept on bragging how the Winter Soldier was the greatest assassin the world has, but right now, I think I'd rather fight Bucky than the Dora Milaje – Ayo, especially."

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