Chapter Six

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"How long have you had it?" Rebecca asked. She was curled to a ball on the passenger seat, laying on her side so she could face Bucky while he drove. They have been on the road for the past couple of hours. They were driving in the mountains of Romania when the sun was up, Rebecca liked looking out the window and watch the view, but now that it was night, she kept herself busy by keeping watch on Bucky in fear of him falling asleep while driving. She did just survive what just happened in Sokovia hours ago, it would be a waste if they died because of him driving the car off the mountain. To pass the time, she would open a couple of snacks they got along the way and eat it, offering one to Bucky as well to keep him on his toes.

Her wound has healed fully and Rebecca has taken out of the stitches – even though Bucky insisted she doesn't, but as soon as the stitches were taken out the small holes that it left were already healing.

Bucky sighed. "Since I got you out of the facility... I was planning on telling you, but after what HYDRA did, I was afraid that it could trigger something... even if it's just you seeing the words. I'm sorry, I should have told you."

"No, don't be," Rebecca said softly. "It was the right call if I knew that you had it, and HYDRA activated this," tapped the back of her head where the implant scar was. "I might have taken it from you, and things would be really bad."

"No, I should have told you – let me finish," he stopped her knowing that she would argue. "When we were in HYDRA, we were programmed to have loyalty to HYDRA, to be their weapons. But we're no longer mindless weapons. This time, no one is controlling us, and all we have is each other and I want us to trust each other."

"I do trust you," Rebecca whispered.

"I know, and I should have trusted you more to tell you about the book. And I'm sorry about that. From now on, you're keeping that book."

"No, it's safe."

"I trust you with my life, Rebecca. Have faith in yourself – what?" Bucky glanced at her.

"Nothing," Rebecca adjusted herself in the seat. "I don't think I've ever heard anyone use that word when talking to me... can I ask you a question? Did HYDRA put what made me to this?"

Bucky had a grim look. "Yes."

"What am I?"

"You're human, Becc. You were injected by a serum."

"A super-soldier serum?"

"That's what it says," Bucky muttered. "We can read about it when we get to a more secured location."

"I find being on the road – constantly moving, to be the safest place to be."

Bucky chuckled, he reached for her and caressed her hair. "Get some sleep. It's your shift later."

"You're really going to let me drive?" Rebecca smiled.

"Why not. I trust you wouldn't drive us to a ditch... or get us arrested for speeding," Bucky shrugged.

Chuckling, Rebecca reached for her bag and pulled out the ragged Captain America doll Bucky gave her and then used it as a pillow. She closed her eyes and used the sound of the car running as a lullaby.


Arriving in a small town in Romania, Bucky and Rebecca abandoned the car in a parking lot and then proceeded on foot. They made a good distance from the place the car was left before finding a place to rest for the night. It was a motel in the outskirts of town, the man in the reception rented them a room for the next couple of days without questions. Once they got to the room, the first thing that Rebecca did was take a shower, while Bucky secured the room. When Rebecca was finished, he had his turn in the shower while she was on watch.

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