Chapter Fifteen

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Bucky wasn't sure how but he found himself back in their little apartment in Bucharest. Rebecca laying on the couch reading and commentating on a book about Architecture, while he was at the small kitchen cooking their meal – it was nothing special, just beans and a couple of things they got from the market. After he set the food, he had Rebecca come to the counter to eat, it became a routine for them to eat their meals together at the counter, and once they finished, Bucky pulled out something from his jacket's pocket. It was a pack of gummy worms.

"As promised," Bucky smiled as Rebecca grabbed the pack and started eating the sweets. He lightly laughed as she watched her savor every piece of gummy worms, and to his surprise, she offered him one. "You're sharing, must be in a good mood."

It was the little things he shared with her that he liked the most. A part of him wanted to stay in that place, in their little apartment in Bucharest, and actually start their plan on living a normal life. He was already looking into some work ads in the newspaper and signages around town, and as well as looking for a good school for Rebecca. The documents wouldn't be a problem, he and Rebecca could just figure something out to get false documents for them both.

Suddenly, he wasn't in their apartment in Bucharest. Bucky was sitting in the quinjet with Steve, they were headed to Siberia to stop the doctor – Zemo. He remembered this all too well. When the quinjet landed, Bucky took a rifle from the weapons compartment that had the label "Romanoff". But just before he and Steve could step out, Steve said something that was completely random.

"Remember that time we had to ride all the way from the beach at the back of a freezer truck?"

Bucky smiled at the hazy memory. "Is that the time you used our train money to buy hotdogs?"

"You blew three-bucks trying to win a stuffed bear for a red-head."

"What was her name again?"

"Dolores. You called her Dot."

"She's gotta be a hundred years old by now."

"So are we, pal."

Bucky chuckled at the memory. "Maybe when this is over, I'll take Rebecca to the beach. She liked it when we were in Puerto Rico... even got sunburned."

Steve had a sincere smile. "Then I guess we'll know who you'll spend that three-bucks winning a stuffed bear for."

"She prefers gummy bears," Bucky chuckled. "That kid could eat a whole jar of those and die happy."

Steve smiled at the sight of Bucky laughing. "We'll get her back."

"I know."

But then the scene changed again, and this time, Bucky was in a dark room. Everything around him was completely destroyed – the floorboards, walls and windows had holes, cracks, and blood, the furniture was toppled over, and the people who tried to fight him were on the ground unmoving. In his hands was a rifle. He has been looking around for the package that HYDRA had him retrieve. He just killed the defects in the room, and the people who were tasked to protect the research facility, and now has gone to the laboratory. He found a girl sitting on top of a corpse with a knife, covered in blood.

She looked up at him. Her long black hair sticking to her face because of the blood, and her brown eyes were tear-stained but showed anger, she was growling. She only looked at him for a moment before turning back to the corpse. The package that he was supposed to take back to HYDRA. He reported the situation, and his superior gave him the orders. The Winter Soldier grabbed the girl from the corpse, she put up a fight, so he knocked her out.

The scene shifted again, and this time, he was with Rebecca in Wakanda, saying their temporary goodbye. He had her take out her hand and he drew something with his finger. "Katei, home right?"

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