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May 6th, 2015

CHICAGO - New heroes, Omni-Man and Invincible battled in the city of Chicago, leaving thirty injured, twenty dead, and thirteen missing in action. Three months, ago, Invincible made his debut to the world after stopping a kaiju attack in the city and has joined the government agency called the Global Defense Agency, to work with numerous heroes to establish the safety of the people. The two heroes have been identified to be alien beings who have been living on Earth to protect it from extra-terrestrial threats and have been doing so since, until recent events. On the same day as Invincible's debut, the senior members of the Guardians of the Globe were massacred, an investigation was made to find the killer, but it was only during the battle in Chicago does Omni-Man openly admit to murdering the group, while in the heat of battle with his son. The battle has caused major devastation on the city that estimates about thirty million dollars to repair all damages. And since their battle, the two heroes have not been seen since their battle was taken elsewhere, and has been reported that Omni-Man has left the planet.

As of now, the GDA is still their satellites to monitor movements near the planet, to see if Omni-Man shows signs of returning. Meanwhile, there is still no comment on the young hero, Invincible's state, or his current whereabouts.


May 22nd, 2016

CHICAGO - Following the incident in Lagos, the United Nations has created the Sokovian Accords, requiring all enhanced individuals, especially those who work for either government agencies or other private organizations, such as SHIELD and Avengers, respectively, to oversee the actions of these individuals, answering the international community's concerns over the repercussions of the Avengers' action. The Accords have been ratified by all 117 nations, to serve as a "middle point" between these private organizations' "desire to secure world peace" and the international concerns and jurisdictions. As of May 22nd, 2016, heroes part of the government agency, the Global Defense Agency, such as Atom Eve, Rex Splode, Dupli Kate, Shrinking Rae, Monster Girl, Black Samson, and Invincible have all agreed with the terms and has signed the Sokovian Accords, while other heroes have chosen to retire.

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