Chapter Twenty-Five

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Normally, Rebecca doesn't take in just any missing person cases, but after receiving a call from a familiar face and hearing about the anomaly, she got on her motorcycle and drove to New Jersey to meet up with her contact in the FBI. Arriving at the meeting point, which was beside the road by the large signage that says "Welcome to Westview", Rebecca parked her motorcycle beside the black SUV, she took off her helmet and got off her vehicle to greet her contact, who was accompanied by another agent that had the insignia of a sword on her chest. But as she approached the two agents, she had an odd feeling towards the place, it was like with magnets that had the same poles, it was repelling each other. In this case, the town of Westview making her feel like she should stay away from it. It sent chills down her spine.

"Agent Woo," she shook his hand.

"Ms. Kukori," He greeted her.

"Rebecca," she immediately corrected him.

"Sorry, I forgot, you don't like being called that."

Rebecca met Agent James Woo during the five years of the Snap, she did some work for the FBI, giving them intel on cases they couldn't exactly explain or needed an extra hand on. From what she remembers, Agent Woo was the one in charge of handling Scott and Clint's case when they made a bargain with the government to have them come home – it involved with them being placed in a two-year house arrest and other things that were not explained clearly. They didn't really have a good start since Rebecca and Bucky's case before the Snap did cause a bit of chaos for the FBI, CIA, and the German government, but as they had done more work together, things were getting better for the two of them to the point that Agent Woo even became part of Rebecca's contact list under, and her in his.

"Rebecca, this is Monica Rambeau," Agent Woo introduced the woman beside him. "She's from SWORD."

"SWORD?" Rebecca's brows shot up in surprise. She hasn't worked much with SWORD, but she has heard of the government intelligence agency. "It's nice to meet you."

"So, this is the outside contact," Rambeau began.

"Rebecca has been doing some contract works for the government prior to the Blip – she's been a great help," said Agent Woo.

"And an Avenger," Rambeau added.

Rambeau has heard of Rebekka Kuroki – which was her legal name – or the Wraith, as she was called as her Avengers alias. The girl was involved with the Barnes case back in 2016, she was the biggest mystery during that time, a girl who was supposed to be dead for the past twenty-six years due to leukemia, only to find out that she was actually alive and was subjected to experimentation – which cured her of that illness – training, and made into a mindless assassin by HYDRA. She never knew what happened to the girl after their escape with Captain America, and from what she's been hearing in the news, she and Barnes were pardoned by the President for their crimes.

Rebecca slightly frowned at the title, she never really felt that she was an Avenger. "So, the job?"

"You read my email?" Agent Woo asked.

"Yeah, I did – I even went to see it for myself, I asked a couple of people in the area about the place – even the local authorities."


"None of them has ever heard of the place. Or the missing person you sent me, and it turns out, he wasn't the only one missing."

"What do you mean? So, it's not just one person?" Rambeau asked.

"Hold on, you did that overnight?" Agent Woo asked.

Rebecca didn't answer because she did... illegally. She managed to hack into the local government's database and found the similarities that the missing person has with the other locals, which was living in Westview, so she listed them down, she tried calling the people living in Westview but no one wouldn't connect to those people, so she made a couple of calls to the families listed in the paper that live outside of Westview to ask about the person living in Westview, and all gave the same answer.

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