Chapter Thirty-Two

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Two days after the announcement of the new Captain America, Rebecca was called in by the GRC. Seeing that it had something to do with the Flag Smashers case, she had no choice but to answer that call, even if she didn't want to. Arriving in the building, she was immediately greeted by the sight of the new Captain America poster that had the phrase "Cap is back!", she paused in her tracks as she looked at it, unable to take her eyes off the shield.

"Ah, Ms. Kuroki!" Rebecca heard the voice of the Senator. "I'm glad that you can make it."

Rebecca tore her gaze on the poster and met the Senator halfway in the hall. She didn't return the same enthusiasm as the man. He led her inside the building, to an office that she's been into a dozen times when she went to report her missions in Europe, and inside, she saw not only the technical team she instructed with programming the satellites, and the other officers of the GRC Troops, but as well as the New Captain America, John Walker, then his partner who she identified to be Hoskins, as it was placed on his uniform.

"Hi," Walker greeted her. "I'm John Walker, Captain America." He held out his hand to her. "I've heard a lot about you, Rebecca... Kuroki, right?"

Rebecca looked at it for a moment before she forced herself to shake it. After greeting him, she turned to his partner.

"Lamar Hoskins," said Hoskins.

Rebecca simply nodded.

They all took a seat on the long table, At the end was the Senator, and across from Rebecca were Walker and Hoskins. The Senator began the meeting by bringing up the goal of the GRC, which was to return all national borders and to get everything back to the way it was, but there has been some resistance in the movement due to groups, such as the Flag Smashers. With the announcement of the new Captain America, the GRC will be giving Walker responsibility to stop the Flag Smashers and apprehend its members for the GRC to continue the vote.

"Miss Kuroki has been working with us for the past four weeks," the Senator began. "She was the one who found these criminals." Rebecca turned to the Senator after hearing the word. "Why don't you catch us to speed with what you found, Miss Kuroki? Have you identified their leader?"

Rebecca took a breath before speaking. "No, but I would have if you let me engage the first few times I encountered them."

The Senator sighed. "It is apparent that we understand what we're dealing with at first before engaging, if we have unauthorized enhanced individuals running around extracting their own kind of justice, it would only make the world even more chaotic than it already is."

"And I understand that, but –"

"Do you? You are an enhanced individual with a very complicated history, Miss Kukori, if you are seen out there apprehending these individuals and something goes wrong, the government can't help you."

Rebecca remained silent for a moment. "The Flag Smashers' movements aren't by random. They're not really a threat unless we make them."

"What do you mean?" Hoskins asked.

"Based on my observation, they're more like Robin Hoods – take from the rich, give to the poor. They're not after weapons of global destruction, what they're doing is, they're helping people in those camps who need supplies, which the GRC promised to give," she turned to the Senator. The man ignored her remark.

"So, you're siding with these criminals?"

"I'm not siding with anything! I'm just telling you what I observe."

"Their operations, how do they move?" Walker asked.

"They use an app to contact their supporters – it depends on the situation, some times they call them to create chaos to get away, some times they do it themselves. They're strong."

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