Chapter Eleven

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For the next few days, Rebecca and Bucky worked with Shuri on studying the chip inside her brain. It involved with Rebecca writing down everything she remembered from the pages of the book, and to their surprise, she got every detail; from the structure, the use, and even the experiments and training did to her were written down. It wasn't exactly a nice experience for Rebecca and Bucky to remember their training and missions. Other than the pages that Rebecca managed to recreate, Shuri found encrypted HYDRA files and has been searching for not only Rebecca's programming but as well as the Winter Soldier.

Once they were finished with gathering the data, Bucky was more confident in going back to cryostasis knowing that Rebecca would be taken care of while he himself will be as well. On his last night walking around, Bucky left Rebecca to sleep while he and Steve talked about the issue that has been plaguing them since their trip to Siberia. Far from the hut that Rebecca was resting with Sam, Bucky and Steve spoke in a hushed tone.

"Natasha found her file," Steve spoke. "Did you know what happened to her?"

"Not entirely," Bucky shook his head. "I know I should have told her, but I don't want to give her answers that I'm not a hundred percent sure about."

"What do you know?"

Bucky told him everything, the mission, HYDRA's plan for Rebecca, the missions she has been given. It had holes but it managed to answer the questions that Steve needed to know, and the more Bucky told him, the more Steve felt the gravity of pain and guilt his friend was carrying.

"She deserves to know, Buck."

"I know – and I know that I have asked so much from you Steve, but I'm going to have to ask you to do this for me. It has to be me who tells Rebecca, until then... and if I can't, you have to."

Steve sighed; he placed a hand on Bucky's shoulder. "You'll be the one to tell her."

After that night, Bucky was immediately prepared for his cryostasis by the Wakandan scientists, and the whole time, Rebecca and Steve stood there watching as they injected him what his body needed while put in such temperature. When the scientists were finished, Rebecca stepped forward.

"It would be weird not seeing you around for a while," she began.

"Is that your way of saying that you'll miss me?" Bucky chuckled.

Rebecca smiled. "Yeah, it is."

"Give me your hand," Bucky said. She did what he asked and held out her palm for him, Bucky then wrote on her palm with his finger. "Katei. Home, right?"

"Katei." Rebecca agreed. "Otosan, aitaidesu."

Bucky brought Rebecca to an embrace and kissed her on the head. "I'll see you around."

After releasing Rebecca, Bucky said his temporary goodbye to Steve and then stepped into the cryostasis pod. The pod closed and some sort of gas was released that put him to sleep and then froze his body. For a moment, Rebecca could remember the first time she saw the Winter Soldier being taken out of cryostasis, it was a horrific scene, seeing a man standing there with tubes sticking to him. But this time, Bucky was in peace.

"I've never seen him sleep that peacefully," Rebecca spoke after they put him in the hidden part of the lab where Shuri will be working.

"And so will you once we get that chip out of you," Steve reassured her. "King, T'Challa, thank you for doing this for us."

King T'Challa joined them by the window overlooking the view of the Black Panther monument. "Your friend and my father... they were both victims... if I can help one of them find peace..." T'Challa glanced at Rebecca.

Wraith [MARVEL x Invincible Crossover]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora