Laura: I hope you didn't buy that yellow dress, it's minging.🤢🤢🤢

Amy: I bought a blue one. 💃🏻

Amy: Wait, how did you know? 😮

Laura: People are posting sooooo many pics of you on social media, I almost feel like I'm there with you, instead of at work inside this shitty bank. How's Manchester?⚽️🥅🏟

Amy: Good so far, apart from the photos. I don't understand why people are so bothered by me. Can't believe we're going to be living here soon though. 😱

Laura: Me either bestie, but I'm buzzing for you both. Tell Jack I send my love and I'll see you both soon. Apparently I need to get off my phone and do some work 🙄

Amy put her phone back in her pocket, but it immediately rang again.

Super Jack calling.

He'd changed his name in her phone again. At least it was an improvement from his first choice 'Sex on Legs'.

'Babe, I'm done with the medical so I'll be back at the hotel soon. Everything went well, so it looks like it's definitely happening tomorrow'

'That's great news' Amy said excitedly.

'Yeah, I know. I mean I knew it was just a formality but really now that's done it's just really hitting home with me what I'm leaving behind. Look, I know we said we'd go out for dinner tonight, but can we just stay in, watch movies and have dinner in bed?' asked Jack

'I haven't heard you come up with a better idea in ages' she laughed, knowing fine well what he meant.


Jack got back to the hotel before Amy. When she struggled through the door with all her shopping bags she found him lying on the bed, fresh out of the shower with just a small towel on.

'Did you have fun? I thought there would be more bags' he winked.

'It would have been better with you there, but yeah it was fun'

'You gonna give me a fashion show then?' He asked.

'You just saw the lingerie bag, didn't you?' She laughed.

'Yep, now go and show me. I told you earlier, I want dinner in bed tonight, and then I'm really hungry' he instructed, pulling back his towel, now who was she to argue with a proposition like that?


'Today's the day Aims' Jack said stretching out in bed next to her.

'Did you get any sleep?' she asked. He'd still been awake at 3am when she last looked at the clock.

'Yeah actually. I think you tired me out last night, I just hope Ive got enough energy to lift the pen' he laughed.

They both started to get ready to head to the Etihad together. She wanted to make a good impression for Jack's sake. She'd googled all the other wags, and they all looked so groomed, she didn't want to be the token scruff at Jack's games. She picked out a knee-length, navy blue dress from the clothes she had bought the day before. Jack nodded in approval as she paired it with some gold flat sandals and her new LV bag. They stood next to each other, looking in the full length mirror.

'We look like a right pair of shaggers ay' Jack laughed.

'Come on, let's go' she said, giving him one last kiss on the cheek before they left.

The moment they arrived Jack was whisked off somewhere whilst she was warmly welcomed by so many people that she could barely take it all in. It was almost as if she were signing for City herself. Eventually, after a tour around the stadium, she was shown through to a room where Jack was in his new kit, just having finished a photo shoot.

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