Tears and Dreams · Pt. 15

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I wake up a few hours later to see it's dark outside now. My eyes are sore as they adjust in the dark room. I groan slightly as my head hurts but am interrupted by a knock at my bedroom door.

"Come in" I manage to mutter. My throat feels sore and somewhat scratchy as I reach for a water bottle from the nightstand by my bed. As I take a drink from it my door opens slowly to reveal Itadori. "Itadori? Y-you ok?" I ask hesitantly.

The room is dark but the light coming in frim the hallway reveals his red eyes and sad frown. My eyebrows furrow as he closes the door behind him, approaching as his feet seem to drag. There's dread in his eye's and he looks a mess, though I doubt I look any better.

He sits on the bed next to me before pulling me into a hug as he buries his face into the crook of my neck. I look at his worriedly as I feel what I assume is a tear fall. "What's wrong?" I wrap my arms around him, ignoring my drowsiness.

"I couldn't save him.." He mutters, his grip tightening around me. I look at him confused, my worry only growing. As if sensing my confusion and concern he adds "Junpei.." He mutters quietly, but loud enough for me to hear just barley. That's all he has to say for me to understand.

I sigh as I remove myself from the hug, receiving a pouty look from him as I lay back down in my bed. He's confused for a moment til I signal for him to lay down with me. He does so as he cuddles against me, wrapping his arms around me as if scared to lose me too.

I wrap my arms around him as I comb my hands through his hair. He shifts his gaze up at me as his head rests on my shoulder. "You've been crying too" he points out. I swallow a breath as my eyes follow the wall to a picture hanging on the wall.

It's a picture from when I was little at my birthday party. To my left is my mom, sighing in annoyance as my dad sits to my right as the two of us make a dumb face for the photo. I frown.

"Just a bad dream..." I mutter under my breath. I can see the doubt on his face, but he doesn't push on as he nods slowly as he looks down. "Liar" I hear Sukuna say bluntly. "Zip it Sukuna." I tell him in an irritated tone, letting him know now isn't this time. I can practically sense Itadoris frustration as Sukuna speaks and know something happened, but I decide against asking.

To my surprise he doesn't speak again after that. After shifting into a more comfortable position, Itadori and I sit in the quiet dark room. Eventually he falls asleep, me doing the same not too long after.

My eyes open and everything is pitch black, yet still light as I look to see myself still clearly visible, Itadori no where in sight. My eyebrows furrow in annoyance as I simply just want to rest without having to go through another "vision" or whatever the hell these actually are.

I see footsteps echo and look around to see no one. Suddenly a blue light begins to illuminate and I turn to find the source. My eyes widen as I see a glowing blue jellyfish-like creature floating as if swimming through the air. Just like my painting. My eyes follow it, mesmerized as it floats aimlessly through the room until it fades.

My eyes focus on a figure beneath where it faded. I step back a step as the figure seems to drag itself towards me, large and swollen. As it comes closer the disfigured what I assume to be curse seems to take on a more human form. That's when I realize it's not a curse, but a person seemingly rewinding from it's cursed state.

I freeze, but not in fear, just curiosity as the black haired boy approaches me, steps seemingly hesitant. His hair covers one of his eyes as he looks at me, a small smile. "Y-Y/n?" He asks, seemingly unsure.

I nod, not sure who he's supposed to be. "I'm Junpei, I heard about you from Itadori" he says sheepishly as he rubs his nape. I want to be surprised, I know I should be shocked, but for some reason this feels natural. Yes, for reasons I don't know seeing a dead boy seems natural. I'm no longer surprised by my abilities, although I am a little confused.

"I-" I try to stutter something out but I'm not sure what to say. He chuckles lightly with a nervous yet understanding smile. "Sorry.. C-can you tell Itadori something for me?" He stutters, looking down as he fidgets with his fingers.

"Of course.." I assure him, but he keeps his head down. He takes a deep breath and there's a moment of silence before he speaks.

"C-can you tell him I'm sorry? I don't want him to think it was his fault.. I just want him to know I really enjoyed being his friend, and I'm glad I got to be" he says finally looking up, tears in his eyes with a hint of red on his cheeks. He smiles sadly through his words and tears.

"Tell him that I'm lucky I got to meet him and that it meant a lot he was nice to someone like me, even after I did what I did he still cared. I know I should've listened to him... I want him to know it's ok!" He's practically speaking through sobs at this point as his fists clench, guilt on his face.

I approach him slowly. He's confused as I stand in front of him. I reach my hand to his face and he flinches, but doesn't move away as my hand gently brushes his hair to the side, revealing the dotted scars on his forehead, making me have to hold back a wince.

Instead I smile lightly as I hold back tears of my own. "I'll let him know." I state, reassurance in my voice as I smile softly with a slight nod. "Thank you" he returns the smile softly as his tears continue to fall.

I nod and he takes a deep breath. He smiles at me before he steps back. "I've got to go now.. Thank you again, and... Take care of him okay?" He smiles as he begins to walk away. The blue jellyfish glows as it reappears, coming from behind me as it follows him for a distance before they both begin to fade.

I smile sadly as I look down tiredly when a whisper of my name catches me off guard. "J-junpei?" I mutter as I look around. It didn't sound like him though.

My eyes catch onto someone else, barely visible. My eyes narrow as I focus on the still figure in a distance facing away from me. "Dad...!" My eyes widen and tears spill as I'm still in shock for a moment. Suddenly my legs have a mind of their own as I begin to run towards him, tears blurring my vision, but he begins to walk away.

Finally after what feels like an eternity, I reach him. My finger tips brush against his back as I attempt to reach for him, but he begins to fade. I look up to see him turning towards me now.

Blood drips from his mouth and his head, a large bruise covering half of his face. He doesn't look in pain though as he smiles at me, as if trying to give me some sort of reassurance, yet he doesn't say anything. I try to keep him from going away but as I attempt to hug him, begging him to stay he begins to fade away as if a cloud beneath my touch.

"I'm sorry.." A sob escapes my throat as I'm on the ground now, hugging on to nothing as tears stream down my face, replacing any that begin to dry. My eyes burn as I begin to calm down from what feels like hours of endless sobbing as a familiar chuckle echoes. I don't feel like dealing with it right now.

"Go away!" I shout, my throat hoarse and aching. The chuckling fades and it goes back to silence, leaving me with my thoughts as I'm somehow unable to wake myself up.

Suddenly words echo through my head as I remember something Sukuna said to me the previous day I saw him. My eyes widen and my fists clench as my tears stop flooding my vision.

"You should head back now. I'm sure you have a long day tomorrow."

What the hell??


If you're sad by the end of this chapter, then good. That means I've done well :)

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