Nightmare · Pt. 3

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I ran and ran til I found myself standing outside my house. The dangerous feeling was gone now so I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in.

I felt bed for running off like that but I didn't know what to do. The dangerous feeling was coming from Itadori, but it wasn't at the same time. I'm not really sure how to explain it. I'm sure it was just nothing. It's been a long day after all.

I sigh as I open the door and head inside. My parents are both in the kitchen eating and notice as I walk by. "Hey hunny are you hungry?" My mom asked me.
"Uh no I already ate. It's been a long day, so I'm just gonna head to bed. Night" I told her and my dad before heading up to my room and tossing myself onto my bed.

3rd POV - w/ the parents
Both Y/n's parents looked at each other as she walks up the stairs to her room.
"She's upset.." Her dad says. Her mom sighed pushing her plate away as she began to stand up. "I'll get the stuff ready" "why don't we just tell her-" her dad started until the mom interrupted "not yet.." He nodded his head saying "ok" and the both stood up.

Y/n's POV
I was tired from today so falling asleep wasn't hard. I was asleep in less then 10 minutes which is like a record for me seeing as it usually takes like an hour.

I fell asleep, well I thought so until I woke up in a dark room. I stood up slowly, confused, not sure how I got here. Suddenly a gate appeared and opened in front of me. Everything in my body and mind told me not to go through it but there was a problem. I wasn't in control as my legs began walking on their own.

Am I awake? I can't stop! Nonono wait- is this a nightmare. What's happening!?

As I passed through the gate there was a shrine, it was still dark but the sky or ceiling was red. The shrines reflection was on the floor or water on the ground. I couldn't really tell what it was.

I was too busy looking around I didn't notice the hole that had suddenly appeared in front of me. I fell through and heard laughing. After what felt like hours I finally hit the floor and the laughing stopped.

There was that feeling again. The feeling that told me to run, get away, that there was danger. But I couldn't move. I look up as I heard footsteps, but there was no one there. Instead there was what looked like a pile of bones. At the top someone was there. Just sitting. I could only see the lower half of his face though as he was smiling. I couldn't see anything above his mouth though.

The laughing started up again and everything faded to black. I almost began to panic not being able to see, feel, or hear anything for a moment. Suddenly my alarm decided to go off at the worst moment possible causing me to wake up gasping for air and fall off my bed.

My mom must have heard the thud from when I fell because she almost knocked my door down making me jump.
"Are you ok? What happened??"
"Nothing mom, I'm ok" I manage to get out still trying to catch my breath. "I just had a nightma- what happened to your face!?" I say finally looking up at her.

She had a busted lip and a cut on her cheek bone. There was also a bruise on her arm.
"Oh this? Haha sorry it's nothing to worry about" she told me. "I just fell down the stairs". "Oh uh ok" I say as I begin to stand up instead of looking like an idiot on the floor.

"Well I'm gonna go talk to your father about something, you start getting ready or whatever you do in the morning, you have school today" she told me before walking out and closing the door.

Fuck. I completely forgot about school... Damn
I sigh and begin to get ready anyways. I'll just have to do my best to avoid ms. bitch.

Parents POV
"Did you get it?" Her dad asked as her mom walked in and closed the door. She sighed and shook her head no.
"This one was stronger than the last few, it managed to get away. She also had a "nightmare". We should tell her soon..." The mom replied. The dad only nodded his head in agreement.

As I got ready I couldn't stop thinking about the nightmare I had. Sure I've had some weird dreams and nightmares before. Some with these weird looking creatures. But this was different. It felt so real, like I was actually there. The laughing really creeped me out too.

I couldn't see the guys full face either. Although it was a nightmare I have to admit, whoever he was had a good jawline. I'm weird I know.

I sighed not sure what to do. I have no clue what that was about, who it was, where I was, or anything. The more I thought about it I realized I had nothing. Couldn't think of anything.

I decided to skip my morning run and stretch more instead so that I can have more time to work on a new painting. I needed something to clear my mind right now.

One problem? I had art block. My worst enemy. I sighed and just started painting hoping whatever I paint will work out. After about an hour my timer to leave for school went off and I stood back. My eyes widened a bit as I realized I'd been painting the place in my nightmare.

Not the shrine, which would make a nice painting to be honest. But I had painted the pie of bones and throne looking place above there. Along with the rest of the room or wherever I was.

I shake my head and grab my bag, taking a few glances at the canvas before walking out of my room and making my way to school.

By the time I got to school the mood seemed pretty gloomy for some reason. Throughout the day some people seemed fine but a few looked nervous or upset. After classes ended I went to the club room like usual.

"Hey Hanako, do you know what's up with everyone today? Almost everyone seems kinda gloomy.." I asked as I sat next to her.
My eyes widened at what she told me next.

"Someone found Amaya or ms bitch dead last night in her room. Apparently she was really disfigured or something"


What do y'all think happened?
What are her parents hiding from Y/n?
Guess you'll have to wait and find out 👀
Sorry for any mistakes/errors
Have a good day/night 🖤

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