Seeing the King · Pt. 8

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Y/n's POV
Since Itadori was doing better than me at this "training" thing of binge watching movies and knew more about curses than I did, Gojo sensei had left me here and taken him who knows where.

So now I'm sitting here watching movies and petting a stuffed animal that keeps punching me.

Some of this stuff still kind of confused me. Unlike Itadori, I'm not a fast learner, but I'll just have to ask Gojo to re-explain some things to me whenever they get back.
I wonder where they went.

A while later they finally came back. I honestly didn't even bother asking what they did, staring at a screen all day was hurting my eyes and I was tired. Though whether I asked or not Itadori will most likely be telling me all about it tomorrow.

After explaining to a stubborn Itadori that I was tired and he could tell me all about whatever tomorrow I made my way to my room and plopped down on my bed.
He's like an overexcited puppy sometimes

I didn't even bother checking my phone. I actually haven't checked my phone in a while honestly. Though I was planning on doing so tonight, I don't feel like staring at a screen for much longer.

After some time I finally fell asleep.
I groan in annoyance as I open my eyes to see a pitch black room once again.

I sigh as I sit up. Well, try to. I hit my head on something a few inches above me(still laying down). I reach my hands up and realized there is something like a ceiling preventing me from sitting up.

After a minute of trying to feel around for a way out nothing comes up and I notice the temperature start to rise. I lift my head up as much as I can and look towards my feet. My breath hitches as I see something slowly spilling out towards me. It takes me a minute to realized what it is. Lava.

It explains why it started getting hot but the problem is how to get out. I scoot away as much as I can but the farther get, the more that starts gushing out like a freaking volcano.

I close my eye's trying to focus on my breathing since the heat was making it more difficult. When I opened my eyes again the lava was there but now there was and arm hanging down as if offering to help me. The arm was pale and scarred. I reached out to grab the hand and it pulled me up but I did feel a sting in my palm.

I was now somewhere else and able to stand up but no one was there. I heard a quiet unfamiliar laughing, and then nothing.

I began walking when I came across the same gate from my first vision. It opened and I walked through willingly this time just wanting to get this over with.
There it was again. Not the shrine but the bones.

I look up to see a very confused person. Wait no, not person. He looks a little bit like Itadori with black lines- Sukuna.

"How the hell did you get here?" He asks narrowing his eyes at me. I froze not really knowing what to say. I'd talked to him a little bit sure from the times he'd randomly popped up. But I've never even seen him in person, I just know it's him from the description Itadori gave me.

When I noticed him I also noticed that same feeling was back, the feeling that there was danger.
So that's where that feeling comes from

I mean I guess it kind of makes sense. I only usually got that feeling when Itadori was around with Sukuna. This explains why.

The main issue is what to do. I don't even know how I got here.

"I- uh I don't really know.." I mumbled taking a step back. "What do you mean you don't know?" He asks in a kind of aggressive tone as he's now suddenly in front of me.

I take another few steps back unintentionally before I reply. "I-I was just asleep then woke up here...".
Damn his presence is kinda scary..

There's a moment of silence while he looks like he's thinking about something.
I could tell he's thought of something when a small smirk tugs at the edge of his lips and he looks up at me.

"You are part curse right? You don't just have a curse?" He asks as if trying to confirm something.
"Well from what I've been told" I tell him and he smirks.

"I guess we'll have to see" he says and suddenly he's gone. Though not fully, I can feel his presence behind me now.
Then there was a pain in my stomach. I slowly began to look down at what was hurting so bad but was interrupted when Sukuna said "don't look."

I don't know why I listened but I did. It really hurt and my mind was racing not knowing what had happened as I felt something warm. I think he seemed to notice my panic. Even though I couldn't see his face from behind me I could just tell he was smiling.

"Whether you live or die doesn't bother me at all. But if you are actually a special grade, you'll be fine. Either way, I don't care." He says very bluntly.

Fuck.. This is the first time since I found out about curses that I hoped to be one. Why does it hurt? It really hurts.. Something is dripping down my stomach and legs, am I bleeding?

I feel my legs give out from the pain and when I hit the ground I finally see what was happening. My shirt was ripped at the middle of my stomach and there was a large slit where blood was gushing out. It looked deep and I was surprised that from standing my organs were still in me.

I hear a chuckle as I pass out, something I seem to be doing a bit recently.

Next thing I know I wake up to frantic shaking back in my room. I slowly open my eyes to see Itadori, the one shaking me awake, and Gojo sensei. They both looked concerned as Itadori started asking me what happened and if I was ok.

I was confused, wasn't it just a vision?

Then I look down. My stomach no longer hurt, but there were now blood stains on my shirt.

Hm. Maybe she will be useful... heh



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