New Friends · Pt. 2

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Y/n's POV
Everything starts to come back to me though as the door begins to slowly open a few minutes later. I begin to panic til I see what, or who is opening the door. It's not the thing from earlier but instead a guy with pink hair.

It took a second for him to notice me but when he did he quickly rushed over.
"Are you ok?? Your head is bleeding!" He said. Before I could say anything he crouched down infront of me and tilted my head to the side to look at it.

"Y-yeah I'm ok uh-"
"Oh right, I'm Yuji Itadori" he said and smiled at me.
"F/n l/n.. Just call me Y/n, I'm ok really." I told him as I tried to stand but my head still hurt and I was a bit dizzy. "Here you can get on my back, it's probably gonna be hard to walk right now" he told me turning around.

Something about him felt off, but not like the other things. Just not normal. I also got a weird vibe when I looked at the slit looking things below both his eyes. Though with my head the way it was and what I just noticed was a scraped knee, I wasn't really in a position to deny the help. Besides, he seemed nice.

After I got on his back he stood as a girl with short brown hair walked in with a kid following behind her.
"Yuji, hurry u- who's she?" She asked, raising and eyebrow.
"I found her in here on the ground, she's hurt so I'm helping her." "Ok well let's hurry, I don't want to waste my time in here. Plus we need to get the kid home and I'm hungry" she told him with a pouty look on her face.
Nice to meet you too I guess ?

As we began to make our way to leave the building I learned the brown haired girls name is Nobara. She seems nice I guess but a bit full of herself to be honest. I felt bad for Itadori for having to carry me. I always thought I was kinda heavy but he's carrying me on his back like I'm a feather.

I was a bit paranoid going outside due to the previous events but when we got outside everything seemed fine. Nothing really felt off.

I look around to see two guys walking our direction. They were wearing similar uniforms like the ones Itadori and Nobara had on. One had black hair and looked kind of- how do I describe it? Just kind of meh(lol mood). The other one had white hair and was wearing a blindfold. He smiled as he was walking over.

The white haired guy looks familiar. He looks kind of like-
"Yuji, Nobara! Oh? Are the kid and girl ok?" He asked.
"The kid is ok but she's hurt" Nobara told him walking over to me and poking my head. Ow.

"I think I'm ok to walk now.." I said somewhat quietly, and embarrassed. My head still hurt a little but the dizziness had gone away. I'm also pretty sure the bleeding stopped or at least slowed down. He sat me back onto the ground and I took a step back thanking him.

"She can stay with us til we get the kid home and then I'll take a look at her head" the white haired guy said with a smile before pulling the other guy by the shirt and dragging him along to take the little boy home. I giggled a bit at the black haired boys reaction to being dragged along. He looked like he could flip out at any minute now.
3rd POV
Gojou and Fushiguro walked back towards Nobara, Yuji, and Y/n who were sitting on some stairs not too far away. Itadori had been asking you a few questions like what school do you go to, how old you are, if you wanna be friends, stuff like that. He seemed lively and nice so you decided to agree to be friends with him.

You were just about to ask him about the slits under his eyes til Gojou and Fushiguro came back and Gojou began talking.

"We made sure the kid got home! Hmm now to get her checked out, then how about we get food after?" Gojou asked. The other 2 first years seemed to really like this idea. They walked with you to a nearby clinic since you weren't going to be left alone to walk with a bleeding head. You needed three staples and a bandaid for your knee but nothing too bad.

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