Familiar · Pt. 10

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Y/n's POV
"Ow.." I mumble.
It's times like this that I wish I had just stayed home living my regular life like I did before.

Because I'm "different" from other curses (in Gojous words) I have to do more training, mainly mental training. I was still confused on what exactly I was and what the big deal was so Gojo explained it to me more.

I was born human, but also part cursed spirit. Not sure how but that's what I've been told. Unlike Sukuna, I was born this way, and unlike other curses, I'm still part human and not just in a human form.

Unlike other curses, my "cursed techniques" aren't physical, well kind of.
One, called Mind Transport, allows me to slip into the minds to communicate with other curses, but it doesn't work on humans(unless they have a lot of cursed energy). Though I can't physically do anything to the other curse, whatever happens to me in their mind, also happens to my physical body in real life. This explains the incident with Sukuna.
(He still owes me a new hoodie btw, one way or another)

My second technique is Summoning. Depending on my mood is, I can "summon" or "create" curses, though I can't make anything stronger than a grade 2, maybe 1 in some cases. The curses would then go after whatever is the cause of my mood (mainly negative) and then melt after it's achieved it's goal unless it's killed before, which I found out is why my mom actually had a busted lip and bruises that day. She tried killing it but it managed to escape.

I also get visions or nightmares. They don't really count as a technique though.

At the beggining it only worked in my sleep, when I couldn't control it (which was why I was thought of as dangerous since I had literally no control).

Gojo is training me so that I have a better handle on it and can use my techniques when I'm awake.

Along with training, he's also been giving me one major headache.

Since my focus is to work on myself mentally and emotionally, he's not really the best help. Though he does try, it makes my head spin trying to understand what he's trying to say.

Itadori has been mainly with another guy named Nanami. I'm not really sure what they are doing but I wouldn't be much use the way I am now, so I decided to work a bit harder.

Over the past week, I've managed to summon a few grade 4 curses and one or two grade 3 curses.

I sigh as I take a break and go to get some pain medication for my headache. We ran out so I have to go get more at the store. I slip on my shoes and leave as I begin to walk to the store.

I get to the store finally after about 15 maybe 20 minutes. Along with the pain meds, I get some snacks and drinks for Itadori and I whenever he comes back so we can hang out.

"I wonder what I should do next" I say to myself. I don't really feel like doing much for the rest of the day so I'll just practice more tomorrow.

I smile when I think of an idea, something I haven't had much time to do. Paint! It's the one thing I'm actually passionate about and I haven't gotten the chance to do that since I left home.

I jog to a nearby art store and get a canvas, along with a paintbrush set and some paint.

Thank god Gojo let me have this. I think as I hand $20 to the cashier and leave.

I walk out and make my way back, however there is an issue. I've never been in this area before so I don't know where to go. I see a bench next to an alleyway and go to sit down as I figure out how to get back to the apartment.

As I sit a bottle of paint falls from the bag and onto the sidewalk. I go to reach for it but someone beat me to it as a hand grabs the bottle and holds it up for me to take.

"Oh? Here you go" the person said. "Thanks" I reply, somewhat awkwardly as I go to take the paint back. I pause as I grab it though.

I've seen those scars before... I think as I grab the bottle and look up to the person. It's a guy, pale, has a few scars, and gray hair. 
"Are you lost?" He asks. I hesitate before nodding yes. He seems so familiar. I've definitely seen those scars somewhere but I can't remember.

"What? Don't you talk?" He asks, sounding somewhat taunting in a way. "Uh.. Yeah sorry, I don't really know how to get back home from here" I tell him.

"Hm I guess I may be able to help" he offers. I get that feeling again, the one yelling danger and telling me to run, but it's not as bad as it was when I first met Sukuna. Plus I still need to get home, if I run it's not like I know where to go.

I think for a moment. Right! I have my phone. "It's ok, I can just call my friend to pick me up, thanks for the offer though." I tell him as I pull out my phone.

He frowns for a moment and then sighs. I feel a slight sting as he puts his hand on my shoulder "are you sure? It'll be getting dark out soon" he says. He doesn't remove his hand from my shoulder and for a moment his eye's seem to widen a bit but then they go back to normal. I put my hands in my pockets before I reply.

"Yeah I'm sure" I say, a bit more stern this time. He sighs as he stands up straight, the stinging going away as he removes his hand.

"Okayy well, see you another time" he says and smiles before walking away. As he turns facing away from me, I see a glimpse of confusion and a frown on his face as he looks at his hand. After a few minutes when he's out of view, I let out a sigh of relief and take my now shaky hands out of my pockets.

That feeling of danger didn't leave until he did, it wasn't the worst I've felt, but it's not a feeling I'm gonna get used to anytime soon.

I pick up my bags and leave after my hands stop shaking.

After about half an hour I finally find my way back.
There's no one here but me, since Itadori is with Nanami and Gojo is who knows where.

I head to my room and take out the stuff from my bag before setting up the canvas and other materials, along with my favorite drink and snack.

I have art block for a moment, but an idea finally comes to mind. It's not much but it's something as I pick out a light blue and begin to paint a floating jellyfish. Yes. A blue floating jellyfish. It's the only thing that came to mind.

I work on it for about an hour, then stop. It was a long day and tomorrow probably will be too, so I should probably to to sleep soon.

I close up the paint and examine what I've my progress so far. It looks okay, though hopefully it'll look better once it's finished.

After putting away what I had to I hopped in the shower a put on an oversized shirt. Since I've been the only one here the last few days I honestly haven't bothered wearing pants to sleep. It's more comfortable that way and I don't have to worry about anyone seeing me.

It takes a bit but I finally get to lay down and sleep. I roll onto my side and drift asleep, forgetting todays events.

I mean, it's not like something bad will happen, I'll probably never even see that guy again. Right?


Sorry if this is too short! I'm trying to start updating more often again 😅

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